[CATA] Heart of Flame not giving quest credit when looted

Character info: Swisarmygoat, Draenei Shaman, Atiesh server, WoW Classic.
Date of problem, 3/6/25, sometime around 9:50pm server time.
Problem: I was on the final portion of the Heart of Flame quest, I had siphoned all 250 essence from the Firelands bosses, and just needed to kill Ragnaros and loot the Heart of Flame. We fought and killed Ragnaros on normal difficulty with no deaths and I swam out into the lava to loot the heart. When I clicked it I did not receive quest credit for it but the heart disappeared. I had Spiritwalker’s Grace active at the time to help heal myself while in the lava.

I took a screen shot of the moment showing my character with the debuff you get in the fight for completing the boss drains and showing I never died during the encounter. It also shows my quest still at 0/1 for the heart and the spot in the lava after Ragnaros dies where it should be.

I was there on the raid team alongside. We all saw it happen. I would like to add that no other player in the raid was on the same step of the quest line, nor had been out in the lava who could have messed with the item.

PS I’m dumb and I accidentally took damage from his Rage of Ragnaros explody-buff during the fight so we have logs to show that he had that buff during the fight and did not die.