[CATA] [H] Elemental Shaman LF Fri/Sat raiding guild


Have been raiding on different characters throughout Classic. Ran splits between Ele Shaman and Warlock through WOTLK P2 - P3, and Mage P1 - P5. Completing all content on Heroic and Hardmodes.


I am looking to play the Ele Shaman in Cataclysm with availability on Fri and Saturday evenings 8pm ET - 1am ET. Will have my Mage available as a split alt

My preferred guild

Guild that is a Semi-HC Friday/Saturday raid schedule with an organized leadership that prepares for new phases of content. Has an organized assignment sheet, utilizes MRT, and expects raiders to play well, and fully gemmed, enchanted, correct spec, consumes, and knowledge of boss fights. A guild that does some prep on PTR would be great. I prefer LootCouncil, but not absolutely required.