[CATA] Guild achievements not triggering

Cataclysm Classic

Several guild achievements are not triggering or tracking properly, such as the reputation ones, professions, pvp, etc.

Several of these achievements require the members to be at certain reputation levels or they don’t count. Not bugged unless they continue to not count at exalted.

Here’s the thing. I also heard this from someone else. But if that were the case there would have been at least one comment among the achievements that are not counting on wowhead from the original 4.0.x days mentioning this. There are not. There’s also nothing on the items themselves saying they need reputation.

It also really doesn’t explain why some don’t work

  • The Pen is Mightier
  • Bushels and Bushels
  • Mighty Miners

But others do:

  • Skinnin’ For a Livin’
  • Dust, Dust and more Dust!
  • Dinner Party
  • That’s a Lot of Bait

I’d have put Skinnin’ for a living on the same type of achievement as mining/herbing and Dust, Dust and more Dust! on the same as The Pen is Mightier.

That’s my point. I am exalted with over 50 factions, but our guild achievements is not counting any of them.

Pretty sure they mean guild reputation. But I’m at friendly and it still doesn’t work and doesn’t explain why the other profession achievements work fine and why there is no mention of reputation requirements anywhere.

They have never had stated requirements in-game. I should clarify, it is basically only achievements that require your guild to “own” something (like reputations, or legendaries), that require that person to have high guild rep.

For those gathering achieves, they should trigger with anyone.

Aha, OK. But this issue includes the weird mix of profession achievements (I list examples above). Some of which work, others that do not. Which, I don’t think has anything to do with reputation, and really must just be a bug.

I am having this problem with the guild fishing achievement. I’ve fished up about 200 fish from pools, and not a single one has counted. It clearly counted for some of the people in the guild because we are at 178. Just not for me. I’m exalted with the guild to boot. Its getting kind of frustrating.

Two months later and no responses at all? This also seems to be affecting me. I’ve tried clearing cache, disabling all mods. none of the fish caught at nodes seems to contribute to the guild total.

Some guild achievements only track progress on characters that reach a certain guild rep, like for example… guild legendary weapon ownership only tracks when characters with them reach at least honored rep.

But that said, its plainly obvious a ton of achievements are just flat out not working. Not a damn single pvp kill is being recorded at least in my guild. Probably a bunch we havent even noticed.

The achievement fiasco is just something blizzard is choosing to not acknowledge and fix on their own time :\

Yeah, they are definitely not working and it’s not related to rep. I have exalted on numerous toons and no PvP achievements are counting and haven’t for the entire duration now… Blizzard is really dropping the ball here this should have been fixed, literally no excuse for a company this size to have major bugs lasting this long.