[CATA] [Groubbulus-H] <Disciples of Death> 10M Raid+PvP guild LF core+casuals

Hello we are DoD located on Grobbulus - Horde Classic Wotlk(Cata).
We are currently prepping for the Cata release right now so primary focus is leveling, profs, etc.
Our raid times are Thurs/Sun 8pm-11pm REALM time (10pm-1am EST time).
We are building a 10man core roster and currently looking for:
War - Arms + offtank
Sham - Dps(prolly Ele?)
Paladin - Holy
Hunter - Surv
Lock - Demo
Mage - Fire/Arcane
All raid loot will be done via Loot Council.
Socials and Casuals are also more than welcome if you’re looking for a chill place to game.
We will have multiple arena teams and as the xpac progresses there will be a planned guild PvP night and eventually Rated BG team.
Discord will be mandatory even if just to listen for all progress raiding and per any PvP team leaders request.
Overall our aim is to be a casually-competitive guild where we can progress and clear content in a structured environment as a team. Toxicity need not apply. Go out and have fun!

Reply here or free to PM via discord: phatkid6961 or any officer in game - see you there :smile:

feel free to come hangout or say Hi to myself and the officers