Cata Explorer - Deepholm

With the introduction of Warbands I was looking through and noticed that I don’t have the Explorer achievement for Cata because of two areas in Deepholm. Temple of Earth and Therazane’s Throne are the two areas I lack. I went all around these areas and couldn’t get credit for them. Any thoughts as to why? It’s bizarre. Thanks for any assistance you can provide. :slight_smile:

Have you checked the wowhead comments on the explorer achievement to get the exact coords? Some of these zones are finicky and require you to be close to a specific point to get credit – just having them uncovered on your map doesn’t necessarily grant credit for purposes of the achievement. If you’ve done that already, I’m not sure!

Yes, I double-checked the coords on Wowhead and hit them multiple times. Still not receiving credit for it.

Thanks for the idea.

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do you have them on another char?

i only ask ask some of my achievements are greyed out but i’ve done on other characters. however they’re not tallying up.

I will double check but I do not believe so.

To add, I took another character there to the coords for the two above-mentioned areas and did not receive credit on that character either.

I remember this one being difficult. Like inside a cave or something. It’s been a long time.

I can’t figure it out. Tried with 3 characters without success.