[Cata] Darkmoon Faire quests not reset...again

For the third time since Cata has been released Darkmoon Faire has not had its quests reset. Last time around two weeks ago it was properly reset but now this week the profession and Despoiler item turnins have all not been reset. Can we get some clarification about how this is supposed to work? DMF historically is once a month, since in Cata classic it is once every two weeks does that mean they are only going to reset every other Faire? Or is this a bug? A little clarity would be nice to say the least.

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The quests didn’t get their reset dates adjusted, the faire is just in town more often. Think of it like that.

I seem to recall being able to do the profession quests every two weeks at the beginning of the expansion, but that seemed to change in June which is when I first noticed it. I submitted a ticket regarding this and was quoted by a GM stating that the quests are supposed to reset “every DMF event” (every two weeks), but they are not, which the GM does not seem to understand. (I am still in the process of that discussion as an answer to any ticket is usually copy pasta and takes forever).

That being said, the profession quests did reset for me on August 1st around midnight during the middle of the current DMF event, which leads me to believe the quests are true monthly quests now and not even every four weeks.

The DMF wasn’t even open every 2 weeks at the start of the expansion (first two were 3 weeks apart), and what did happen covered multiple months.

The first DMF of the expansion began on May 26. Profession quests reset on June 1 (the last day of the faire, so you could have done the quests twice during that first faire). That would be less than two weeks since when they first could be done.

People who did the quests again on June 1 complained the quests didn’t reset when the DMF returned on June 16. Everyone else who didn’t abuse the reset had no issues doing the quests during this second DMF. This could be perceived as resetting two [three] weeks later, but really it was just the new month.

The third DMF arrived on June 30. Most people (those who already did the quests in June) who tried to do the quests the first day ran into issues because it wasn’t yet a new month. This faire continued into July though, and the quests reset at the start of the month as they always do, so everyone could have done them on the 2nd through 7th day (July 1-6) this faire was open. This again could be perceived as resetting two weeks later, but again, it is just a new month.

The current DMF began on July 28, so again most people could not do the quests at the start because they already did them during one of the earlier July faires. However, a new month began on Thursday, so individuals who tried on Thursday, Friday, or today to do the quests should not have had any issues.


*insert the “always has been” astronaut meme here*

What you’re saying is the profession quests have never reset every DMF cycle, which seems to be the case regarding classic Cata, but not true for retail. So, no. It has not “always has been”. The DMF has been active for two and a half-ish months in a shortened expansion that has sped everything else up. I see what you are saying with the dates and agree that’s what is happening, however, even the GM that replied to my ticket stated the profession quests are supposed to reset every DMF EVENT, not MONTHLY.