[CATA] Currently Horde LF Heroic guild for Cata!

Hi there everyone!
I normally go by Ceason in WoW but my current characters of Faerlina Horde are…
Hobgobbler - 5.9k 80 Disc/Spriest
Hobgobbling - 5.7k 80 Warlock
Rizzosaurus - 70 Arms Warrior
Egirlcamping - 5k 80 Hunter

Platypi - 80 Rogue (Grobbulus Horde)
Ceazon - 80 warrior (Grobbulus Horde - 2nd account)

My preference on a class for raiding would probably be warrior or rogue because I prefer melee dps. However, I am comfortable filling roles as needed as long as I find the guild to be a good fit!
I also love to PvP.

My first hardcore WoW experiences were in the original Cata Xpac. I loved it and I am very much looking forward to reliving it.

I am a 29 year old from NA East.
I don’t mind transferring or faction swapping.
I love animals and I am very social and active in the game and love to help.
Feel free to reach out in game @ Ceason#1858
Discord @ ceason