Since the new patch dropped the LFG tool for cross realm is NOT working. Please fix this asap its killing off the PVP scene for alot of Oceanic players as they cannot que with the west coast.
It was worming fine 3 weeks ago!
Since the new patch dropped the LFG tool for cross realm is NOT working. Please fix this asap its killing off the PVP scene for alot of Oceanic players as they cannot que with the west coast.
It was worming fine 3 weeks ago!
bump pls fix
bump to this, please fix this asap.
Giga bump, please fix this asap
Bump fix this please
Lost all hope in Blizzard, GG to kill the new start of a season. How stupid is this lol.
Please fix cant even enjoy the game
Can we please get this fixed…this is really killing the scene. Not everyone wants to play retail PVP.