Cata classic worth starting?

I was thinking about starting a new character in cataclysm classic, but I got a bit worried when I saw few people were in stormwind. Is it worth starting, and will there be enough people to raid with, and use rdf?

I still see a lot of people playing, and queues in dungeon finder aren’t as long as you think, so if you want too, go for it.

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I’m personally not a fan of Cata, but you shouldn’t have issues finding groups, especially once MoP hits. Lots of people looking forward to MoP.

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Are you talking about right now, at 4am eastern time?

nah mate im down under
picked a server with 99.6 percent people playing horde, and chose alliance

Only if you want to replay 80 levels of the first 8 years of the game only to get capped and bored.

Hey man wish I could have given you my boost instead of using it.

Cataclysm still has some good feels lore wise. I played Horde and there is still that kinda tension there (you basically go onto a human ship and torment them a lil). Quest design is cool.

Gameplay was underwhelming, albeit coming from a hunter pov. Actually pressing ability vs basically using GSE to press them in cata makes a very minor difference.

Overall I wouldn’t recommend the game in my opinion - it kinda feels like the unfortunate stepchild of retail and classic.

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As an OCE player, it’s only worth it if you don’t mind being on a ganking server. The devs destroyed the PVE servers for our region.

They won’t shut down Remulos. The other PVP server (forgot the name) that is low pop, yeah, but the only OCE PVE server they won’t shut down.

They don’t have to shut it down to kill it. The free transfers to Arugal did a fine job.

Speaking of Remulos, era isn’t much better. I tried rolling there and the auction house was often empty. Empty. The guild I joined represented most of the server.

Coupled with anniversary launching with no OCE servers in the first place, the writing is pretty clearly on the wall regarding our region’s future, outside of retail.

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For anniversary am 100% playing in the US and likely staying there (even if they let us move back to the OCE ones). Small servers by nature in a small region are doomed.