Those of you that play Classic Cata, which US server do you feel is the most active for Wpvp as well as instanced PvP?
I was reading in a different thread, regarding Wpvp, and it took me back a bit. I had some of the best times in Wrath and Cata I just dl’d it, about to make a new old main (meaning, a Prot Paladin named Bloodniron )
The reason I posted this at all is that I was in another thread here in Wpvp and some folks were talking as if Wpvp Cata Classic is still very much a thing.
So I made a toon on Grobb and started leveling up. There were other players in the starting area, and quite a bit of chat in the /4 channel, so it didn’t feel like “dead” to me.
That said, I much prefer the look and feel of Retail over the Classic PixelMan, so there’s that. (I also prefer being able to drive myself around starting areas at Level 1 instead of all those ridiculously long runs back and forth around Eversong Woods…)
All in all, I enjoy the Pvp/Wpvp in Retail and really don’t see myself spending much time at all in Classic…