[Cata Classic] OG Dreadnaught HD Textures. Looks wrong, wrong colors, wrong design

Using HD Texture, warrior t3 dreadnaught has a completely different look, texture and color pallete. Specifically the gloves and legs

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he’s right. it’s actually a completely different armor that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before (belt too). wtf?

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Completely ruined my transmog.

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Its still messed up. What is going on with this?

fix please :frowning:

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This is STILL bugged. Legs, gloves, belt.

Bump for making Warrior T3 Mog great again!

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its still broken can someone at blizzard do their job and fix it? also sod the bug mounts dont work properly you can’t press the mount button to dismount while moving?

indy company