Cata classic is dead for aussies

So since s11 has launched , blizzard just decided to change the game and the way LFG works now aussie pvp’ers have to make level 1 chars to advertise in LF group chat on US servers to find people to play with … there is simply not enough players to have some stupid original experience i do 90% of my time playing searching for players to play the game with now never been worse no point playing any more i feel all the people QQing saying original experience ect ect there is not 10 million active players now like back in 2010-2011 dont use LFG if you dont want to but i need it i dont understand how or why the pvp pve LFG ques are server based i understand blizzard wants our money and wants to sell xfers and stuff i guess but why should i have to play on 100+ ms always just to play on active server need more people to back this post to have any change but most likely wont happen …

Not every game can be for every person. If your region has population issues, that sucks, but them’s the breaks, babycakes.


Ever since Australian based servers were intoduced, Blizzard have been making the players pay for leaving US based servers. Adding us back into the PVP/LFG system with US players just brought us back to the bad old days where we play with 100+ ms ping… Blizzard’s answer: Deal with it. They don’t really care about Australia, we’re just another nation of walking wallets who need to pay more and more so the Americans can be catered to.

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Go play with Asians then if your crying

Australian ping and weird accent with dumb slang is outlander

-an angry Canadian

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OP’s name doesn’t check out.

cata was too hard