Cata Classic Desync

Blizzards official support is useless and don’t seem to understand what I’m saying

I’ve been having an issue where while doing dungeons in Cata Classic the game will almost entirely lag out except it isn’t actually disconnecting me from the game, everyone will run in place and the boss will still yell in the chat and the game will display warnings for boss skills like the alerts from the built-in DBM they added in Cata

The running in place will sometimes fix itself and most of the time I have to open another client and log back in to continue playing.

and this almost always happens during a giant telegraphed boss attack like omega stance in halls of origination from the Anraphet boss

My internet isn’t dropping since I can still log back in and all the blizzard support staff have to say is that I should stop using a VPN.

I don’t use a vpn.

please help

edit: I forgot to add that the game latency under the menu icon shows around 15-16ms while in town and during these drops while in a dungeon SOMETIMES will actually display that the MS is going up into the yellow range but when the game is re-opened things go back to normal.

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