Cata Classic Consolidation

I queue Tol Barad and it’s 5 horde vs 80 alliance, like every time. No one pvps under lvl 85 it seems now also. Same with dungeons and everything else.

Cata classic realms need to be consolidated down like 3 total like they did for anniversary classic realms. And have them all connected for queued content. It would solve a lot of dead game issues imo.


i see fair amount of ppl doing dungeon’s at lower lvl content’s.

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They are all connected for queued content.


I only ever see a couple realms from Mankrik.

Like Snipy said, they’re already cross realm queues. The reason why it’s so imbalanced is because everyone is playing Alliance for the OP racials. Human, Dwarf, and NE racials are all very strong in PvP, especially Human’s. Will to Survive is pretty dang strong, and if you look at the ladder this season, I bet you the vast majority of them are Alliance.

It stinks because I made a Goblin (they’re one of my favorite races) and I got it almost completely decked out in Honor gear, and it’s so much harder to win matches on Horde. On Ally, I win 90% of my matches just by playing Alliance. Even ignoring that I’m in the top 3 on killing blows, it’s still easier than playing Horde. On my Horde toon? I get wrecked by constant premades and super high ranked players just melting our teams before we can even fight back. Even on my Goblin, I’m still doing decent, usually up there on scoreboard, but it’s just not fun playing Horde in BG’s.

It’s silly how many people faction swap for a single racial. I kind of wish they would nerf Will to Survive, but I don’t think they will.

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I’d rather see the one faction heavy servers merged with their opposing heavy faction servers. And then have blizzard maintain a faction balance with character creation.


It doesn’t seem like most people feel that way. People made those single faction servers, many times they paid for transfers to create them.

I agree with this completely. The only reason I went Pagle is because it’s the highest pop Ally PvE server, but the one thing I hate is that there is virtually no Horde here. It makes getting certain achievements much, much more difficult. Plus it’s not very fun only seeing ally here.


They have zero cares in the world for Cata. If they do have one its probably rage that it won’t just die despite their best (lack) of efforts to make so.


That also do this too!

Tol Borad is a cross realm instanced content. You can have 1 realm. Won’t make a difference.

As a Classic player since TBCC prepatch, this is exactly what I have expected.
First 3 are the iconic “classics”. Everything past that is for people to just play it and enjoy.

There are some that have very strong opinions about what is classic and what is not, prob same people you can’t even engage in politics with, as they start throwing tantrums and think they are right… Anyway, nothing much will ever come out of Classic.

Just play it to enjoy it. It’s a “side minigame”. It will never supersede Retail. It will never get more attention than Retail. IT will never even get 1/10th of development time of what Retail gets.

Play it for as long as you enjoy it. Once you stop enjoying it, quit it. If I leave my guild, or get kicked out, or it gets disbanded, I’m done with WoW for good. At this point, I raidlog in Classic and run keys on Retail. After my guys leave, so will I.

I think you might be correct. It’s just sad that PvP servers are like that. I deletes the point of having them.

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