Cata Class Selection

Considering rolling on Cataclysm and want to play a class that can tank or heal, because I don’t have the patience to sit in RDF as a dps anymore. I’d also like to have a fun (I know, subjective) dps offspec and decently wanted for PVE.

I find ret boring and don’t really want to play a priest because I have one on Retail and in Vanilla… So that leaves me with druid and shaman for healers, both of which I’ve read aren’t that great in heroic raids.

Any feedback appreciated.

Both ele and boomy pumps pretty good so if you like caster dps both are good options. Personally when it comes to healing I enjoy Resto Sham a bit more than R Dru in cata. They made big changes to Rdru in cata from Wrath that I wasn’t the biggest fan of, but some people love it.

For tanking unironically I find warrior probably the most fun even though it’s considered the worst. It still feels fine in dungeons though. But you can’t go wrong with dk and bear both very strong tanks and fun to play imo


Resto shaman is the second best healer in every category.

This makes people who obsessively min-max about every raid member being S tier at their current task have a problem with them; but makes them very good for normal humans who sometimes need to be flexible.


From what I’ve read, the general census is that Disc + HPal is the best combo for HC 10 mans and RSham is really only wanted for 25M. Have you found an easy time raiding HC 10M as RSham?

I think shaman is good in MoP as well depending on how long you stick around. Plus at that point you could send a MW as well.

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I can easily flex between whatever role is needed on a particular fight and have no problems with throughput or sustainability.

The things you’re reading are the kind of people I was talking about, who obsess over tiny differences because they’re technically better in a perfect world. In reality, none of these things matter; I’m rsham healing a prot warrior/prot paladin tank team and it’s fine (we used to have hpal as the other healer but they mostly switched to rdruid recently, it’s all fine, the differences are not enough for most people to notice or care.)


Druid 100% for that goal. Do both tank and heal. For only tanking nothing beats a blood dk.

druids are the best

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?? Resto shaman is the first to flex because they are not good. They are 3rd or 4th best healer.

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It’s worth adding that Priest in Cata feels quite different to its counterparts in Vanilla and Retail.

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