[Cata] Can't dismount from Nightmarish Emerald Drake

Logged in this morning (Tues 16 JUL) and found I can’t dismount. Walking around Stormwind and literally can’t get off my mount.

Right clicking the mount “buff” does nothing.
Clicking the mount icon on my bar dismounts me but immediately (< 1 sec) puts me back on the mount.
Typing “/dismount” does the same, dismounts but immediately remounts me.
Clicking a different mount dismounts me for < sec then immediately remounts me back on my original mount.
If I go into the AH, I do get dismounted, but when I come back out and remount, the bug is back.
I’ve reload, logged out, etc. Same problem.
I’m using the Nightmarish Emerald Drake (85 human warlock)

I tried going into the AH then coming out and getting on a different drake and that is fine. But when I use my Nightmarish Emerald Drake, that’s when it is broken.

edit: asked in general and someone else tried it and confirmed it is happening for them too


Exact Same issue here. Need to Zone instance or building to get kicked off to get off mount.

Also, can’t swim on mount or do anything else. Although you can spam the dismount while trying to fly into water to get off mount. Might be faster than finding an instance or building.


Same issue here

I just want to play the game :frowning:

Can’t dismount from the Nightmarish Emerald Drake and the Kalu’ak Whalebone Glider. There may be more affected but some I can dismount with no problems.

I thought maybe if I died it would kick me off my mount…went and drowned in a river…my ghost came back with the mount…went and resurrected…guess what Still on the mount. I’m done for now. This should be an immediate roll back or hot fix, unreal.

Same here, tried to dismount every way imaginable from the Nightmarish Emerald Drake…used stuck character service, logout for a short and long period of time, once I was able to dismount I figured it was only THAT one (maybe others but don’t have them :slight_smile: )

Having the same prob. I even tried dying and was on my mount as a ghost and came back on it when I was resurrected. It’s funny, but not

Same thing happened to me. After trying all of the mentioned actions, I took the emerald drake off the action bar and put him in my collections folder. Then I replaced him with another mount. I went into a building until the drake was disappeared and when I walked out I could use the mount I replaced him with. I hope this helps someone, and I hope Blizzard fixes the drake problem.

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Similar solution as Aetherlord:
Fly into AH in org (or any other building) to dismount and then use another mount which doesn’t have this issue.

Same here on Human Warlock 85. I was even on my way to do Aces High (still working on that mount) and I was on a Drake on a Drake, and the abilities [for quest] didn’t work. Going inside is the only way to dismount. Confirmed on at least one other alt at lvl 80.

After reading Aetherlord’s post, I decided to try a few more of my mounts, and discovered that my Bronze Drake and Tawny Windrider mount function flawlessly! However, I’m having issues with the same mounts as everyone else for some reason.

YES!!! This is the fix! Thank you

If you are in Stormwind walk into Stockades entrance. It’ll dismount you.

have the same problem it is extremely frustrating. Plz plz fix! Still waiting for a fix. My God is this some kind of joke?

Having same problem with the drake. Please fix this issue because the issue is on my main player. And I tried everything.

one fix (not a fix but a way out of the trap) is to zone into a dungeon. I had to run across half a contient to get to one but finally got off my stupid drake. Can’t use it now of course till this is fixed but thats the ONE and only place I could find that would pop me off the mount.

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This is also happening with Kalu’ak Whalebone Glider. And not fixed yet :frowning:

same problem here.nightmarish emerald drake cant dismount. made a ticket they ignored it and closed it.

Same issue with Emerald Drake … Tried aggro mobs - remain mounted and unable to cast any spells. Unable to do anything except fly away. :frowning: Can’t herb, can’t do anything, except dungeons… please help!!!

Character: Qarath