[CATA] Benediction - 10 Man Team LFM for Heroic Raiding!

Current heroic clearing 10 man guild looking to start it’s second team with the goal of clearing heroic content throughout Cata. We have extensive knowledge of all raiding during the expansion, and raid lead has top 200 world clear when the content was current.

Current recruitment is open due to players swapping mains etc.
Days and Times will be coming soon, with anticipation of input from all members.

If you are a returning player, or looking for a solid group to progress moving in to Cata, please reply or hit me up - illmerica#1459

Hello! I’m interested depending on your raid times.

I’m available on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday from 8pm - 11:30pm CST, and on Wednesday from 8:30pm - 11:30pm CST.

I’m new to Wrath/Cata, but I have experience raiding in retail since 7.3, getting at least AotC every tier. I achieved CE in 10.0 before stepping away from that team due to an IRL job change.

I main Elemental shaman, but I also have interest in Arms warrior once Cata rolls around. I’m currently on Pagle but I’m more than happy to realm swap if the times work out!