Ill say it again. The arena achievements are bugged and not proccing when said CR has been acquired. Just got 1550 in both 2’s and 3’s and did not get the Arena Achievements for this. You guys do understand these achievements are an essential for linking to get into higher xp groups right…? Its tech almost unplayable if you aren’t as exp. as others because I’ve never reached 1750 in classic but if I did and didn’t receive the achievement…I’d be worried to que again and lose that CR, scared that I would not receive the achievement once the bug got fixed if I lost and went below 1750. Please make this a top priority blizzard over all other achievement bugs. Thank you. Honestly ANY sort of response from blizzard would be appreciated. The last GM to read my ticket just said we are aware and immediately closed my ticket with no chance for me to respond.
Second this. Should’ve been fixed like before launch.
Any response from Blizzard on this issue?
I’ve reached 2k CR in 2s, still no achievement, same thing for 3s…
This is still an issue! A fix would be cool!
still an issue, getting close to arena masters would be nice to get it
Same thing happened to me. Currently sitting at 1800 in 2s and 3s, no achievement or anything. How hard is it to fix this in LITERALLY OVER A MONTH
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