(Cata) <APR> Mankrik-Horde Tues/Wed LFM

What does APR stand for? Well, I am glad you asked, that is up to the viewer discretion. We are a tight knit group of friends focused on casual progression, downing content, but also have fun while doing it and to expand their ranks for 25m content.

What we are looking for:

Preferably a Holy Priest/Disc Priest, and a flex Resto Shaman or a flex Shadow Priest with Holy/Disc.

Preferably a Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Boomkin, Enhance Shammy and Ret Pally.

All other classes are more than welcome to join also.

Raid schedule

Our raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday, with invites at 8pm server time, pull starting at 8:30pm, and cut off time at 11pm.

Loot priority

Loot is MS > OS +1, BoE’s are open roll, but we also require you to equip it if you win.

If you are interested, or have any questions, please feel free to message me in-game ( Aelanicus ) about concerns or an invite to the guild. I would be happy to discuss any questions you have. :slight_smile:

If I am not online ( which is Aelanicus or Smitemedaddý in-game name ) please reach out to me on discord ( 1tzpenguin ) or:
Zookiedrone ( officer )
Ntanthrpally or Ahlorha ( GM )
Jay ( GM )
They will answer any and all questions you have also! Thank you all in advance.

Still interested in a warrior?

Yes we most definitely are! I will be on shortly if you are still interested :smiling_face:

My disc is risu8814, we can talk there since I think I’ll have to server transfer :blush:

Okay cool! I’ll add you right now :grin: