Cat mount not being in LFR is good

They are included they are choosing to exclude themselves from doing normal because reasons

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Got it, so you want to be carried by others who DO know the fights, just so you don’t have to put in at least a tiny little bit of time into preparing for an encounter and on top of that, want free stuff for doing so.

Great logic.

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If you’re not clearing Heroic on the regular you’re not getting into Normal Pugs.

THis is just how Pugging in WoW Has always been: Expectaions that balloon the moment the raid goes live and every week thereafter getting increasingly nonsensical.

So if you took any kind of break from the game this expansion you’re basically already not getting in.

What does this have to do with wanting free stuff and the person I was responding to’s desire to demand others who have real knowledge of a fight to carry them for free stuff because quote " I don’t know the fights"? Isn’t that a them issue?

No, you don’t “got it”. You just took my post and read what you wanted to read to be a nasty person.

I never once said I wanted to be carried.

Yeah you did. Right around the part where you wanted rewards for a fight you don’t know.

Why don’t you read the rest of the post and find out.

That passage you quoted was specifically about Raid Leading

Maybe look before you go in swinging fists at people with spurious accusations.


Quote it. If that’s what I said then quote it.

This game may not be for them anymore? It’s ok to move on from games, I’ve left a few that just stopped being interesting to me.

No no, you enlighten me. What WAS your point? You said that you don’t want to raid lead. You also said you don’t know the fights. If you don’t know the fights, how else are you going to down the boss? If you need to down the bosses to get the mount, how do you expect to get the mount?

No they’re not going to do that. I probably made them cry on a different character so they’re taking out their aggression by making up something I didn’t say.

It was absolutely implied.

I’ve literally never seen you in my life, I’m just pointing out a blatant hypocrisy in your post and you’re refusing to respond to it.


I seriously doubt you even know why “hypocrisy” means since there was nothing hypocritical in my post.

Poor baby.

This, followed up by…


I ask once more, if you don’t know the fights, but need to kill the boss to get the mount, how does the boss die?

Are you going to answer my question?

You don’t know the fights, and are clearly unwilling to learn them because you “dont want to deal with it”, which you stated numerous times in your original comment. So you want to go into LFR to do fights you dont even know, which means other people will just end up carrying you through it. Therefore, it is implied you want a carry for the mount. Sorry, but if you can’t even be bothered to “deal with” learning and playing the game, you don’t deserve the rewards.


Just what I thought. You have no idea what “hypocrisy” means.

This is the first time you asked this and it’s a stupid question.


No where in this passage is “please carry me”

It’s “I;m not putting myself in a position I cannot fill just for the sake of checking off this hurdle”

They lack the knowledge and the headspace to be a Raid Leader. That’s what the passage says in plain text

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