Cat girls?

That’s just a stereotype. If anything the Orcly Orc Garrosh was pretty smart, kick starting industry and all that. He was just also a warmongering racist. But that doesn’t mean you eat rocks.


No, Garrosh was only smart enough to know that beating goblins = awesome war machines.

Then how did he do it without goblins in WoD?

I don’t know. That entire xpac didn’t make sense.

But. there were goblins in WoD.

There are a number of fatal flaws with playing a saberon:
You’ll be CC’d by laser pointers.
You can’t play them during daylight hours as they sleep.
You must locate special objects to sharpen your claws.


Fair but I’d say Iron Horde still proves Orcs can make pretty good machines, even if they don’t have a natural savant-like inclination for it like some races. Also Thrall is pretty wellspoken even if we still all hate him for leaving in Cata. Really the only exceptionally stupid Orcs I can think of are the Peons and well…that’s why they are Peons I guess.


The amount of Orcish I hear while fleeing for my sanity to the faire as fast as my mount can fly begs to differ.

I’ve made that same scramble and I’ve never seen or “heard” orcs :woman_shrugging:t3:

Cat girls?

Khajiit has wares if you have coin.


I want cat girls but only if they look like pretty blood elves with cat ears and a tail. (=^ェ^=)

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( Actually fully playable from the Prequel Webcomic over at https :// if anyone wants, same people that made homestuck. )


I will always want Saberon, they are my most wanted race at this point.
After that dragonkin of some kind.
I would be curious how they’d make female versions of the Saberon, but whatever it takes to get playable tigers, panthers and snow leopards !

We need a Lizardman race before any more furry critters.

Otter people because otters


Sheeple. Sheep People.

Druid girls in cat form. Dont judge me.


There is no discernible difference between male cat form and female cat form in fact if we take the stag form at face value there might be a reason for that…

/ahem , totally sure of this?

Not until we get Vampires. We have all kinds of beasties, including straight up undead, and Werewolves…

Yet we don’t have the big monster on campus playable yet. Where’s the vamps? Give horde Vamps to counter Alliances Werewolves. What gives?

You can have your cats after that.