Cat form prowl combo macro

this is what i came up with, but i don’t want it to let me leave cat form if i spam it. the intention is if prowl is usable, it prowls. otherwise it’s just a cat form button.

#showtooltip prowl
/cast !cat form
/cast !prowl

any help appreciated

Found this one a while back in the forums, courtesy of Brucelè, seems to still work:

#showtooltip prowl
/cast [nostance:2] Cat Form
/cast [stance:2, nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl

pretty amazing, if you’re in stealth it wont unstealth. if you’re in any stance but cat it will put you in cat, and it wont take you out of cat if you’re already in it. think this checks all yur boxes.

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perfect! thank you so much