<Cat Fight Club> 9/9H Tues/Wed/Thurs 6 - 9pm PST New Guild Recruiting for 10.2

Cat Fight Club is a newly formed cross-faction guild on the US Illidan server. Originally started as a social guild, we have recruited many experienced players that are looking to form a new heroic and mythic raiding roster in 10.2. We have guild leaders with CE, m8/9 background and top m+ players such as Equinox the famous monk player.

We welcome players from all background and we are willing to coach and gear up new and returning players in preparation for 10.2. Doesn’t matter if you are looking for just casually raiding the heroic content or pushing into mythic, we welcome you to join our big family! :slight_smile:

We also welcome M+ and PVP players to push rated BGs and mythic dungeons with us. We have gladiator and M+ title players that are happy to help.

For our raid roster, we are currently recruiting for all roles. The guild will provide all consumables, repair cost and even funding for crafts if needed. For those that would like to push mythic raiding, we only have two requirements:

  1. Be consistent and punctual. Show up to raid at least 15 minutes before pull time. If you cannot make it due to personal reasons, let officers know at least a few hours before raid time.
  2. Have a positive mental attitude! We are going to meet some obstacles, wipe again and again, but we are not going to scream and yell at each other.

Last but not least, let’s all have some fun together!

If you are interested, please reach out to schrodingerscat1984 on discord.

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W guild can confirm :3

This is a friendly guild where we do all kinds of activities together like BGs, raids (normal, heroic, and starting Mythic), Mythic+ dungeons, questing, levelling, and more! We also usually have people chilling in the Discord and free goodies in the guild bank so come join :slight_smile:

We are still looking for raiders, especially dps and 2 more healers!

Still looking for more! Always looking :3

Nice people here if you’re looking

Bump. Still looking for multiple dps and a healer (rdruid/rshaman/hpriest/disc).