Cat ears transmog

Did you… put rabbit ears on just for this post???

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I prefer dog ears tho


Nah he’s always wearing those XD.


Hah no, I always have long pointy ears.

… I’m a short elf after all :smiley:


Silence gnomegen.

Yeah, cat ears, doggo ears, fox tails etc. I’m so down for that. Oh and more wings. Though not in store please, in game so we can earn em.

With my mini skirts I asked for, more solid black and white colours and pinks. More jewelry options and barbed wire bracers.

Word of Warcraft is now an Anime folks

100% weebo territory. Actually I wouldn’t mind it :rofl:


Such mogs would totally rock… even my troll would wear cat ears :heart:

You gave up elfdom friend. Once you have given it up there is no going back, why else do you think I am still stuck as this ridiculous cow beast?

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Nah…Scruit just has some…interesting…kinks.

Kink shaming in this economy?

If you want cat ears, FF14 is waiting for you.

No chance.

They really aren’t.

If somebody is a furry, then they are.
If they’re not, it was never meant to be.

No reason Blizzard can’t try to attract more people and diversify. I mean I can roleplay as Roseanne with Kul tirans, why can’t I be a cute catgirl void elf?

How is that shaming? Lol

I want to be kawaii too, nyahaha! Paws the air
Neko neko nya! Please end me.

i do ya one better, let’s get MIQ’OTE from FFXIV. They are the hottest race EVER.