Cat call whistle emote removed, but chestless transmog allowed

Also female , also ticked, also tired of Blizzard taking stuff outta game.
Also outta like so have some :beers::beers::beers::beers:
Also, foir the record, I’m a full-time prude; even my characters go full cover because rreasons.
But I have NEVER BEEN so lame as to push my agendas on others because of…whatever.
Anyone who does, take a good long look in a mirror cuz you need to reassess.


Oh no! Someone whistled at me! The horror!


Now, I am upset. How am I supposed to whistle at shirtless male Blood Elves if they remove the whistle emote?

How can you tell?

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Exactly! That’s why murder and sexual assault and robbery are all allowed. Don’t want to encourage people by forbidding behaviour…

Oh, wait, no, that’s completely backwards.

You might want to look up “silencing” 'cause yes, it does by definition.

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lol the /spit is the only one that ever made me jump on my old accounts main and start terrorizing the other faction

i think it is needed in game however, being protected from ever being offended makes for a weak minded twit most of the time.
couldn’t tell you how many of these sheltered people i have told in not such kind ways . sir, ma’am …get the **** off of my jobsite


I thought this was about the whistle emote but now people are arguing over sexual harassment

as if clicking on your friend (or npc) and typing /whistle is just like real life cat calling

public sentiment has really gone down hill these days.

They should keep both.

/sharpwhistle and /flirtwhistle


The logical conclusion is that you equate sound waves to physical assault, or you’re prone to wild, unreasonable exaggeration.


/moo to you too.

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I sense millennials in this thread.

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It’s not a free speech issue.
You clearly don’t understand what free speech means.
…and you go on to say you work in the legal profession so you’re educated on the subject?

oh boy.

Harassment is a legal term that has implicated punishments. To yell at someone in a public place is protected by free speech unless promoting violence.

Ergo, to say someone shouldn’t be able to cat call because it’s harassment I.e. illegal is a free speech question.

How much more clear can I be?

Do you realize the amount of morally incorrect things that have happened on this game so far, and a /whistle emote used as a JOKE is the thing that bothers you? Holy…


how can you even pretend that a whistle is freedom of speech?
it’s not even words. :roll_eyes:
freedom of expression perhaps… but certainly not freedom of speech.

regardless, you should understand that freedom of speech doesn’t apply here.

I like the way you think.


They’re the pretty ones.

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Reminds me of Granpa’s old ‘no trespassing’ signs.
The one I can post was something like this:
‘‘Forget the dog.
I’m the one packing’’

or something like that


i played the game with my daughter and we thought it was funny… She laughed at it when i showed her the emote… IT IS A GAME. GET A LIFE… there are a lot worse things in the game than a little humorous, flirtations whistle.

Might as well take the “stop poking me” joke out for the orcs as well…

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The cat call whistle removal was stupid…you know what I do? I randomly /tickle people. Now you tell me…would you rather someone just whistle at you irl…or have someone you don’t know come up and tickle you? My point is, the whistle removal was so petty and pointless. Brb…im gonna go slaughter child sized gnomes, cut them up with my genju knife set, then cannibalize their corpses.

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Threads this old should just be automatically locked.

Or the first person to necro it should just get a fat perma off the forums, because jesus christ why wont you people let these garbage threads die.

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