Casual/Social Guild

I know this type of guild is probably a bit more rare these days but I’m looking for a laid back guild to have fun on raid nights, mythics or events if those are still relevant. Whatever happened to the drunken raid nights or bgs? I’m just looking for a guild who likes each other and talks in gchat or discord regularly, not when it’s raid night only. A guild should be more about the people so when the content is meh, at least you can still have fun.

I am looking for the same. Pretty new to WOW but loving it. If you find a group please let me know. I would be very interested.

I switched to Classic just to feel the fun social atmosphere again. I’d return to retail for something like this.

I am also looking for this type of guild. I am just starting on Stormrage.

I rolled a LightForge DK named Appok :slight_smile:

I’ve been searching for the same. Let me know if you find it, if not I have really been considering trying to put one together. Seems to be a lot of us that remember what guilds were like and are looking for that type culture vs the more parsing based progression culture that is more prevalent right now. That goes for anyone in this string who might be interested in building what we want if it is not out there.

If you put one together let me know, I’d join lol. I just feel like guilds claim to do this but discords are empty and gchats are quiet as well. I’ve tried out a few guilds on alts for a week or 2 and they are not as advertised.

Hi Kevay and all of you that have been searching for that type of guild, We have 2 guilds on Stormrage “Loyal and Loyalty Beyond Blood”. GM is really nice and so are our members. I wouldn’t be staying here myself if that was the case, and I’m 65 and have played since tail end of Vanilla and have been in many guilds. Our guilds are designed differently in that when you join, a form is filled out at the top of our Discord that only lets you see the items in discord that pertain to your personal style of play. As for members being on Discord, that can vary depending on the time of day. Most adults work, so you find more people online in the evenings. I hop online early afternoons and always go into chat, and invite anyone who is online to hop in also, and there are times when some will pop in. It’s also more difficult to get people to chat online at tail ends of xpacs. Many go off to either play Beta, other games, or as some do now Classic. But, we are a Social guild, rebuilding our ranks, and will be going back to Raiding, M+ (low & high keys), PVP, old content runs, and special fun events. If we sound what all of you are looking for, just IM me in game for either more info/invite. Can’t catch me online, can use guild finder for either guild, and get invited that way. Hope to have all of you that have been hunting, join our family, because we would love to have you all!

We are Eclipsed! Eclipsed (

Eclipsed was created by a group of veteran players that want to build a community oriented guild that encompasses all aspects of the game and doing it with other people to achieve our best possible playability. We are recruiting for multiple raid teams, keystones and more.

We are openly recruiting people interested in Mythic Plus pushing, Achievement runs, random guild events, and etc.

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Hey Kevay,
Would love to chat with you more! We love doing things together such as transmog events, dungeons, trivia nights etc

Corrupted Intent is a 18+ horde guild on the server Area 52 looking for like minded players to come join us, with an AOTC/Mythic Focus come Dragonflight.

What you should know

  • Current GM has 14 years of experience as a GM, Officers and RL have years of experience as well
  • We enjoy running keys, any level from 2’s all the way to 15+'s.

Raid Information & Expectations:

  • Raid days and times are Friday & Sat from 7:00pm-10pm EST
  • 80% attendance & punctuality and accountability for raids
  • Willingness to become familiar with the raids if never done them before
  • Discord for raiding

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • Open and honest constructive criticism and feedback
  • We joke around a lot but know when to be serious
  • Communication
  • A sense of community and direction
  • We love doing events such as Transmog runs, Mount runs, Duel Pvp nights, Trivia nights etc
  • An active discord

What we need:

  • Looking for like minded people who want to progress in raids & run keys as well
    Looking for all classes & roles for Raids

What we expect from our guildies:

  • Respectful of one another & a team player
  • Ability to take constructive criticism
  • A sense of humor
  • Discord for raiding, events and socially chatting with each other.
  • Knowledge of your class

Contact information:
Any questions/inquires please reach out via discord, btag or comment
Btag: Aria#13773
Discord: xstarlite#2756

Howdy Kevay, I’m the Co-GM ofThe Maelstrom, a guild that is AOTC focused. We raid Tu/We 930pm-12. Our current raid needs in order are ranged dps, heal(s), and maybe a melee or two(tank for M+ and backup works as well).

We hit AOTC for each new content patch in Shadowlands and had a blast doing it. Unfortunately we’ve lost some friends in the downtime so we’re trying to find a few more.

  • Drama free, mature attitude but not “too” mature.
  • May not be perfect but you tried your almost best.
  • Personal enough where we use may use first names(or nicknames if you prefer).
  • Rather have fun than be world first… or 339th.
  • We understand everyone is busy and don’t expect/demand 100% attendance. Make it when you can and we’ll go from there.

warcraftlogs com/guild/rankings/569961/latest#difficulty=4&partition=1

If the above sounds like you’d be a good fit, please reach out to me on Discord( Detrimental#8999 ). Thanks.

Hey I might have what you need. Exiles of Proudmoore is a casual raid/pvp/mythic + guild. We are a chill group of people looking to just have fun and do things on our own terms. We’re currently looking for people that want to raid normal/heroic for Dragonflight. We are also putting together a Rated BG team. Have lots of people that just want to have fun with the game. When the pre-patch hits you can be guaranteed to have someone to talk to in discord, or guild chat. If this sounds like something your interested in please feel free to add my bnet Mabon#1445, or contact me or my officers in game Mabonhunts, Liamfrost, or Aroty. Hope to hear from you soon.

(post deleted by author)

Hey Kevay,
Sounds like you started out in WoW when I did :slight_smile: . I’m GM of a guild, started up in 2017. We’ve been “around the block” in all of the contents, but settled on enjoying the game and the people we play with.

We’re casual, but talented and we’ve all become good friends through the game. I won’t bluff and say skills don’t matter, because we do clear AOTC, but we’re also about the rbgs, pvp, mount farming, and just hanging out while we quest. I could go on about how much we love our little gremlins, but… I’ll let you reach out if you want to know more.

Happy Hunting… and don’t give up, teams and guilds like us are still around quietly enjoying our good vibe homes <3.

/ Stormrage discord. Find a guild, raid, group or just socialize

I too am searching for something similar to the OP. I want to start tanking (first timer) and it would be nice to find a group who is laid back to bear with me in learning.

<Uncommon> is a group of older players who are looking to build a base of friends
to enjoy playing the game with. Our goal is to enjoy a variety of content focusing
on the people, not the performance. We believe in quality over quantity. We are not
cutting edge and do not desire to be, We’re inclusive and are built around the idea that
we genuinely want to be around one another. We want to run all levels of keys, based on
our collective ability and desire to push ourselves while having fun as we rediscover the joy
of helping guildies, progress as a group and relax. We keep an old-fashioned community
feel where guildies are outgoing, helpful and don’t take things too seriously.

If interested feel free to reach out to us in game, through guild finder or via battletag.