Casual weekend raider LFG

Hey there,

Names Cron, and Im looking for a chill, active(discord and in game), all inclusize, grown up guild for TWW.

I spend most of my game time just being a social player that likes to support their guild with crafting/farming. I would love the opportunity to raid again, but my avalabilty is limited to weekends. Friday and Saturday evening EST is best.

I havent decided on class/spec yet, Im pretty flexable and just trying out a couple options now.

If you wish to know more or think we’re a good fit, send me a DM om Discord: cronarct.

Thank you!

Hello Cronara

I am also a returning player. I came back in March. Apparently it had been 7 years since I was last online! I have really enjoyed WoW since then but one of the things I was missing was the social aspect of a Guild. In the past those were the people who were always there to run some dungeons and tromp our way through some raids. So thats my goal in TWW, to be a part of an active guild again.

This is also not the first time I have returned after a wow break. And one of the things I feel really adds to the guild experience is to be part of it from the beginning. We are at a great time now due to the upcoming xpac. But above that, I was looking for a newer guild. One where I wouldn’t just be slotted into an existing raid team.

I joined TRYHARDISH. So far, I am glad I did. The Officer team seems knowledgeable and skilled but dedicated to forming a positive and casual environment. There are no set raid times yet. But interest is high for raiding/mythics/and some pvp. And the team is growing.

If any of that resonates with you, check them out. :slight_smile: