I started BFA leveling and doing mythics and raids. I got two AotC but then quit for personal reason. But im returning to play and for Shadowlands. I have 3 level 120s. A mage, pally, and a rogue. I mostly play on my pally which is ret with offspec of Holy which i used mostly to pvp but im willing to learn pve healing. Im just looking for a casual guild that plays together and likes to do more things than just raid and pvp. Horde or Alliance doesnt matter to me.
Guild of returning players here, we are looking for new players to build our player base for raiding. We are currently 11/12 on normal and will be heading into heroic very shortly (aiming to get AotC). We also run mythic dungeons and push keys to get people geared. We are on the smaller side, I like to keep it smaller, its easier to get to know everyone and people are not just a number. Right now we have 12 core raiders.
We are not looking to be a hardcore guild, as most of us have a life outside of wow and have kids. We play the game to have fun and meet people.
In need of a few more DPS and/or a few players who wouldn’t mind offspecing healer or tank.
Since its kind of late into this expansion we want to do at much as we can in preparation for Shadowlands.
We are a newer guild, but we have a solid group of players and a good foundation. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, hit me up on discord. I’m usually in most of the day.
We are located in CST. Raid times are 8:45pm and will go for about 2 hours. Day are Friday and Monday.
Realm is Gurubashi : ([H] casual raiding guild looking for more!)
discord: discord.gg/ntTktSD or Gameslave#4704
bnet: Morlanith#1757
Hey Waronathon. We would love another healer or ranged for our core team and I personally enjoy pvp. Raid days are friday and saturday at 5pm pacific and we are currently 12/12H cleared. Looking to fill our group with experienced players who are looking to fill the void until Shadowlands. Would like to progress into mythic if we get enough people! Add my discord Frozenvitals#3064 on Whisperwind. Look forward in speaking to you!
Hey Waronathon add my Btag We’d love to have you on the team. buttercup#1858