Casual Raiding Couple LF a Home

UPDATE We have found a home! Thank you all for your generous and kind offers, we hope you find the family members you seek!

Greetings recruiting community. My wife and I are looking for people who understand what it’s like to have been hardcore raiders, but life has limited us to raiding one night a week. Children, careers, etc.

We love to raid, we love to be fairly active on Discord even if we’re not in-game all the time. We’ve both raided in Mythic, but don’t have time for those shenanigans anymore. We want to be a part of a family who can still at least get through normal raiding one night a week. Does anyone out there feel our struggle?

My love is a healer, through and through. I can be whatever I need to be. /flex
Is there a home for us?

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Come check us out on Turalyon. We will be raiding 2 nights/week max in SL but don’t have that kind of attendance requirement.

We’re a group of mostly older folks who have lives, day jobs, kids, other responsibilities, so you would be in good company!



Hey Librobos,

I don’t know if alliance is an option but if so I can tell you about our guild - My husband and I have had this guild since Wrath. It is a 2 nights a week Heroic (AOTC) guild though we don’t have attendance requirements so if you can only commit to one day then we are cool with that - we raid Tuesday and Friday EST 9 to 11 pm.

I can tell you more if this sparks your interest - I don’t want to drown you in text if you are only looking for Horde guilds.

Best of luck!
Bnet: Anaranae#1516

Greetings Anaranae,

I would be interested in hearing more. I just sent you a Bnet request. I am TurtlePrince. Thank you!

Hey Librobos! I’m the RL of Supergroup One Shot on Stormreaver horde side, and we could be a good option for you and your wife. To be fair, if you’re only interested in normal raiding, we might be a bit more vs. what you’re looking for. But if you’re interested in a high-skill group but on a laid-back schedule for one-night AotC and weekly Mythic+ (e.g., around the +15 range) with a tight-knit community and active Discord, we could be a great fit.

We were previously a two-night Cutting Edge guild for half of MoP, all of WoD, and the first tier of Legion, but many of our players now have additional life commitments (e.g., spouses, kids, new jobs) and aren’t interested in a Cutting Edge schedule. We’ve been playing more casually since then and have gotten back into raiding and M+ as a group in the last tier of BfA. We’re looking to continue into Shadowlands with a solid squad for one-night heroic raiding and M+ throughout the week.

What we can offer:

  • Raids on Sundays from 7 pm to 11 pm central. Expectations for each tier will be to spend the first 1-2 weeks clearing normal, the next 3-6 weeks clearing heroic (may include extending the lockout sometimes), and then farm heroic for 1-3 months until everyone is satisfied. We would then break until the next tier to let people enjoy time off and not get bored or burnt out. We may consider doing the first few mythic bosses (e.g., first 3 for weekly cache), but we won’t decide this until the tier has begun and we get a feel for our roster and the cost-benefit trade-off.
  • Mythic+ throughout the week. We have many players interested in gearing up via Mythic+, getting Keystone Master each season, and some interested in pushing higher-level keys (e.g., up to +20). Mythic+ is definitely encouraged, but you’re welcome to do as much or as little as you’d like.
  • A fun family of friendly players. Many of us have been together for over 5 years. We’ve been through weddings, new children, new jobs, and more together. We have a unique culture of respect, camaraderie, and lightheartedness that few other guilds can offer. We enjoy playing together both in WoW (e.g., dungeon meta achievements, occasional casual PvP, farming transmog) as well as in other games (e.g., Overwatch, Diablo, Destiny, Path of Exile) - though you’re free to join for the content you like and pass on that which you don’t.

What we expect from our members:

  • A positive and encouraging attitude. Our guild environment and culture is our most important asset. We expect everyone to treat one another with respect and kindness. Issues with other members should be handled in a mature manner. Raging and drama are non-issues here, and we intend to keep the guild that way.
  • High skill level in dungeons and raids. Our priority is to use whatever time we have as efficiently as possible. We expect all members to know their class, know fight mechanics, and play well. Grace is given for mistakes, especially when learning new fights. However, we’re looking for players who are sharp learners and who know how to continuously improve. Additionally, part of carrying your weight means being prepared for the content. We don’t expect endless grinding outside of raid. However, we expect all members to prioritize gearing themselves appropriately and progressing through whatever extra systems Shadowlands will feature (such as Heart of Azeroth, essences, legendary cape, and corruptions from BfA).

Let me know if any of this appeals to you. Add Morrell#5462 on Discord (preferred) or Kevin#13422 on Battle Net if you have any questions or want to talk about joining us. Hope to chat!

Good morning Librobos!!

Sounds like you guys are looking for a laid back, family friendly environment. Well I think we would be a good fit for you and your wife! I’d love to chat with you and see if we’d be a good fit.

War Theory is a semi-hardcore, 3/12M raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow - US. We strive to complete every boss of the current content before the start of the next raid tier, on a two night, six hour a week, raid schedule. We welcome healthy competition in our roster, and our goal is to promote a balance between progression and fun, while maintaining momentum throughout the current tier.We are a guild that strives to create long-lasting friendships in a virtual world, because let’s face it. This game sucks to play alone.

Raid Times:

We operate on a two day raiding schedule, with an additional optional re-clear night.

Friday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST))

Saturday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST)

Monday / Thursday optional extra progression day or heroic clear.


  • Assassination or Subtlety Rogue

  • Frost / Unholy Death Knight

  • Fury Warrior

  • Balance Druid

  • Frost Mage

Unlisted classes are also welcome to apply!

Additional questions can be directed to Adzz (Revorah#1321) on Battlenet and Adzz#4670 on Discord.

Hello hello!

We have alllllll the things you’re looking for - including several couples who run the same kind of lifestyle. Lots of folks are returning to the game with adjusted schedules and we raid two nights a week, but both nights are certainly not required. I’ll drop our blurb below - feel free to hit me up if you like!

[A][US][Duskwood] [Shadow Company] Social, Fun Loving Guild running Mythics/Keys/Visions/Raids, 21+ Preferred.

Looking for a new home that encourages social activity, delving into new and older content, AND progressing? Want a place you can thrive and get help during Shadowlands?

Well look no further than Shadow Company! We’re located on Duskwood (EST server) and are a group of folks who have run large scale guilds in the past, and returned to open a space that welcomes new and older players alike! We’re game for pretty much anything, and would love to join you on your journey in Azeroth. No drama or elitism here, just good old fun and gaming with a crew of cool cats.

We share recipes, we tell puns, we have “coffee time” in the mornings on Discord, we drop memes, and we have a seat at the dinner table waiting for YOU!

There’s a short application (so we can all get to know each other better!) and stuff happens most weekends, including Mythic Keys, Visions, and other events to get ourselves ready for the jump into the spoooooopy rivers of doom that lurk in Azeroth’s afterlife!

Interested in raiding? We’ll be building our team out to get everyone up to speed, and will come out swinging in Shadowlands! Schedule will be Thursday/Saturday nights beginning at 8 PM server time, starting August 29th!

Have questions? Feel free to comment, PM me, or hit me up on Bnet at FatalCake#1544 - I’ll be your GM (and subsequent host of ridiculous nonsense and stupid noises in Discord).


Our Guild Jungle juice is 4/12 mythic. we lost a few of our people due to burn out, but our core is still strong. most of our team are parents and realize life come first.
we are recruiting players for raids Wed/Thurs 7:30-10pm EST But all social players, arena/rbgs, and key pushers welcome.

Hey Librobos, Tom Sellecks Mustache is an adult guild on Thrall EST. We understand the commitments that come from real life, family and careers. We have a lot of couples in the guild including myself and my wife, plus there are more women in this guild than any guild I have ever been involved with. Personally I think it is a conspiracy by them to take over, but they tell me I am just paranoid.
We encourage people to jump into discord and listen to raids or cross-realm with us if they are Horde, to get a feel for our atmosphere. We have been finished with the current tier for a couple months, and have been running Achievements on raid nights, getting past titles and mounts.
Take a look at our guild information and if you are interested hit me up.

**With Shadowlands looming on the horizon, Tom Sellecks Mustache (12/12N - 12/12H) a Normal/Heroic Raiding Guild on Thrall (Since 2015) is looking for a more friends to join us. **

At Tom Sellecks Mustache we value the player above all, so we recruit the person behind the mask not the toon. We look for people that want to be part of a family, people that enjoy logging on to be part of a community, and people that remember that this is “a Game”, and it’s supposed to be fun.
TSM is made up of mature adults and we have no time for drama or elitist players, we play the game for what it is “A Game”. We laugh and carry on in Discord while we raid, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously, so we just run back and try again when we die. With a little effort and some encouragement, we get the job done and are able to sit back and laugh about our mistakes but celebrate and enjoy our success.


*As a mustachioed person in this guild, I would like to add the following. Mature means that we cut up and have a good time, all the while being respectful, not hurtful. We taunt, cajole, exhort, and tease each other, but never losing an undertone of kindness and a regard for our fellow mustachers.
PS. If you are on the heal team, none of this may apply. :wink:

*I came over from Alliance and another server, but the cost was so worth it! This is the most fun I have ever had in a guild. All I had to do was listen to them raid in Discord, and I knew I had found my home. Such a great community, there is always someone online, the people are friendly and helpful, and no one yells when you make a mistake.

*I come from many years of progressive raiding but really got burned out and wanted a guild that was much more of a relaxed environment. I found that with TSM, I really enjoy raiding again. No one gets mad or rages, we just laugh and have fun while we raid.

Currently Seeking:

Fulltime tank position available &/or DPS with tank offspec
DPS with Heals off spec to fill if needed
Shadow Priest - We have Zero (and they are looking promising in Shadowlands)
Hunters - We have a bunch (like weeds)
Druid - Feral/Boomkin, (Are they finally going to fix Feral?)
Warlock (Warlocks are looking quite OP)
Warrior - We have zero

Raid Schedule:

Tues./Thur. 7:00pm - 9:15pm EST

What we are looking for from You:

We are an Adult guild, most of us have careers/families etc., and understand that sometimes Real Life happens. That being said our time is valuable and we are looking for players that can consistently make it to the raids. We aren’t looking to be server firsts, but we don’t want to be last either. (Aotc is our ultimate goal in each expansion)
We run Mythic +Monday’s (plus people run them during the week), Wednesday is Alt/casual raid night, Sunday we do Timewalking raids, Black Temple, Ulduar and now Firelands when they are up. During slow times between expansions, (Like now), we do things like achievement runs, for titles and mounts.

If you are looking for a positive raiding/gaming experience without all the Min-Max Elitist, then you might just be Mustache enough, and we may be the right guild for you. Come talk to us you will not be disappointed.

NOTE: We are accepting returning players that are just looking for a family community and a place to hang out and have fun.
We are an Adult only Guild and require our members to be at least 25 years old.

Contact: Zuul#1119 or Pawz#11638 more information.
“There is No Dana, ONLY ZUUL!”

Heya Lilbrobos. I have put the generic guild recruitment post below, but we are looking for players that are interested in raiding mythic contact with a minimal schedule. Please feel free to reach out if you want to chat some more.

Are you a boosted Bonobo? Are you looking for a relaxed raiding guild?
Well I got one for you Bonobos - Area 52 is a Horde guild looking to recruit members for Shadowlands!
We are a previous CE Guild on Mug’thol/Akama/Dragonmaw, back in BFA, reforming on Area 52.
BFA Progression:

  • 5/9 M BOD
  • 7/7 M Uldir
    Legion Progression:
  • 9/11 M ABT
  • 7/9 M TOS
  • 9/10 M NH
    Our raid times are:
    Thursday: 7:00 pm(pst) - 11:00pm (pst)

If interested, or have any more questions message me on Discord or add me in game:
Dottie#11173 (bnet)
Others you can talk to:
Wednezday#1133 (Guild master)
Wednezday#7136 (Gm’s Discord)

Greetings! I hope you are well! Please feel free to reach out to us if we sound like a fit!

Avenoir is a newly formed guild Horde side on WyrmrestAccord, looking to bolster it’s ranks for raiding and M+ in Shadowlands. Our members are veteran players and have AOTC for Nya’lotha. Currently we are in need of all roles for raid. Our focus is to casually progress heroic raiding content and achieve all timed M+15 dungeons each tier, making sure our members are included in this content if that is their goal. We would like to form a close knit community with our members so that we can grow and be successful.

Raid times:
Currently looking at Friday evenings with a start time of 5/8pm PST/EST (most of our members are CT/EST right now).

What we need:
Off-Tank - Looking for a Blood DK or Brewmaster, but all classes considered
DPS - looking for ranged (looking for S. Priest & Mage, but all classes considered), melee and dps willing to offspec/have another toon ready for healing or tanking if needed for back-up
Heals - Looking for Resto Druid or Holy Pally, but all classes considered

Who to contact:
GM: Onatah-WyrmrestAccord // NoriLynore#4936 (Discord) // NoriLynore#1234 (battletag)

Raid Lead: Soulprison-WyrmrestAccord // Alone#1280 (battletag)

Officer: Bohaî-WyrmrestAccord // jfro#1674 (battletag)

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Thank you all for your interest. We have chosen one of you for our new home, and we hope it works out for each of the others. Good luck in your search!