Casual PVPers get NO weekly Vault gear

Why do people think this is bad? This is the best thing to happen to PVP in a LONG LONG time.

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I love how you haven’t gave a comment of substance toward the topic in a while and doubling down on personal insults. I guess this is your defense mechanism when you are trying to stay relevant to the conversation?

I haven’t insulted you and I have just been responding to you. You’re leading the conversation buddy, give me some sustenance to work with.

U mad bro??

and I do pvp. it would appear now that we understand the full mechanics of PVP you all were wrong and the system holistically is fine. cry more kiddos
 cry more

Althought I would propose this modification: its more like just randomly having unbeatable trash show up, and the raid night gets ruined for the next 10min
thats what its like when overgeared raiders form premades and come into casuals and wipe everyone out whos just casual geared.
Its like getting wiped by hard trash, its not even at the boss level.


I pointed them out in many places including here:

I mostly raid, so it’s perfect for my play-style. This argument seems to be good enough for you. That said, something being “good for me” is very short-sighted.

The fact is that there are ways of making this work that don’t involve sacrificing casual players. In the end, that hurts everybody because there is less impetus to provide content that isn’t played, and let’s face it, Arenas and RBG are played by fewer people than any other content in the game.

You want to make casual players, not just play, but excel at content you enjoy so they can play content they enjoy. In the end, there is absolutely nothing different between what you had, and what you want, except that you get to be a member of the cool kids now. To hell with everybody else.

When I responded in this thread originally, I thought I was in the Beta forums, so your responses took me by surprise. It doesn’t matter what we say here, because nobody at Blizzard will ever read any of it.

So have fun with your toys. Try to share.


False. You can lose and gain conquest in rated bgs. In AB, holding 2 nodes the whole game and never even capping a 3rd will net you a chunk of conquest. RBGs hand out participation trophies on non ctf maps.

Someone in the wow ecosystem has always suffered in all gearing methods. Seeing Ion’s thought patterns and design philosophies, I feel like the system we are getting is about as good as it gets under his reign.

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From an Honor Level 4.

Not getting conquest gear from the weekly chest wouldn’t be a big deal if all PvP gear earned (honor, conq, rated) was the best for PvP, be it PvP centric stats or scaled higher when in PvP.

The argument is, and always has been, that Blizzard deviated so drastically from what worked for PvP before that casually doing PvP puts you at a massive disadvantage in PvP when casual PvErs pushing 5-15 key are way better off in the content they didn’t earn the gear from.



There’s so much ignorance here to have some fun with but I will let the forum folks take it from here.

Probably need to just take a step back from they keyboard a bit I understand for some it can be quite overwhelming :slight_smile:

The honor gear in Slands can be upgraded to LFR level which matches how honor gear and LFR gear are participation trophies.

What do you guys want? IL 200 gear from a weekly chest so you get normal mode gear?

Just Q some 2s with a friend, it is super casual and less toxic than normal BGs.

Who would suffer if random BG’ers were permitted to complete a long grind part way through the season for heroic raid-equivalent gear like we could in BfA?

Same system we see now in SL, vendors and all, with the addition of the above. Who loses?


Imagine if they let casuals get conquest too, just like in WoD?

Imagine if anyone could gear up and be within 10ilvl of the max geared toons?

Imagine if playing Unrated BGs gave you gear that kept you competitive in random BGs.

Imagine if PVE mythic raid gear was nerfed in PVP to below conquest gear.

That would be WoD. This ain’t even close.

Not only that, if WoD was so good, why applaud a change that moves us further away from how it was in WoD?


Imagine playing the game right now and enjoying bgs. Games been fun so far, enjoy it.

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Poor decision on Blizzard’s part. I hope it’s changed.


ITT: kids and the unemployed want to have an imbalanced gear advantage vs people with lives, same as it has been for most of WoW’s 15 year history.



Is all of this just people protecting some imagined hierarchy?

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Casual pvp’ers shouldn’t get gear. Enjoy your blues, if you want gear you’re going to actually have to try, sorry, no participation trophies here, do rated pvp like an adult.

No one at all. They should add another rank or two to the honor gear.

I prefer wod’s gearing system. That’s why I said this is the best system since wod.

Under Ion’s ideology and thought patterns regarding reward progression systems, I feel like this new system is going to be about as good as it gets under his rule. With you being an open activist, I’d strongly suggest you ask for changes that fit under his ideology. Asking for wod 2.0 is not going to happen this expansion. Asking for something like additional ranks to the honor gear is something that could happen. Instead of promoting forum riots, take a step back and try to actually promote changes that are possible. Unless of course you just want to see the world burn.


Stop arguing over dumb things PVP players. Whether you are for rated or unrated play right now the bigger iceberg that lies ahead is that PVE gear is going to stomp all over PVP gear after 2 weeks.

The 2 week PVP gear headstart is an illusion to allow PVP players put their guard down and not fight back against the obvious surge of PVE gear that will enter unrated PVP and rated PVP soon enough.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Usually adults play more casually and play Random BGs, because they prefer a more relaxed and relaxing environment after a stressful day, who usually plays arena are kids and unemployed people who usually expend all their time in the game.