Ok LFR and M plus aside cause that’s to much time. Do Mythic 0 that’s not timed and you. Can AFK and not effect other 4 ppl. Do heroic dungeons. Do normal dungeons. All not timed
Go craft. Level Alts. Do Torgast. Farm Mounts
Do older content Solo. Do profressions. Do Bags. All not times and you can quick 30 min and get out.
So what if mplus and raiding is where the end game ilvl is at. If your super casual as you say it shouldn’t matter to you cause even in vanilla at 1 hour a day you weren’t going to be atune to end game raids anyway to even get in and. You only have 1 to 2 hours so spending half of that yelling looking for run before dinner was out of the option so U can use group finder which was SPECIFICALLY design to reduce time sink in looking for groups.
There heaps of things to do endgame for casual.
Game caters to both. You don’t have a complaint here
I played for about an hour yesterday; before that, I hadn’t logged in since a few days before Thanksgiving. I’m only a solo player; I don’t do group content or PVP. I am as casual as you can get. At this rate, it will take me another month or so, at least, to get to 60, & I’ve no idea when I’ll feel ready to do dungeons with people.
That doesn’t mean I have “no chance,” it means that I have to scale my expectations back. I won’t keep up with the rest of the player base, & that’s fine with me. I’m not here to “keep up with the Joneses,” I’m here to have fun playing my character & making a little progress doing so.
We’re only a month into this expansion, & people are complaining about “progress” when the real problem – strictly IMO – is that we’re being railroaded through a dull-as-dirt story, helping NPCs that I personally couldn’t care less about while we do the same stupid kill-&-collect quests we did at level 1. IMO, this expac is simply lazy, uninspired design on Blizzard’s part, & I deeply regret spending the money for the epic version without first playing it & then upgrading later on. So, congrats Blizz, you hooked me for $80USD, good for you. I guarantee that won’t happen again.
& yes, I’m going to say that I think BFA was superior to this expac. I can understand why some people thought otherwise, but for MY purposes – which are the only ones I care about – BFA was simply better.
It’s so weird that I have no interest in doing M+ in this expansion, but am strongly considering going back to Classic so I can go back to playing the dungeons I loved for years.
Lookup Pre Raid BIS. Note that it lists all 158 gear. Note that even WQs give out better gear than that and Heroic Dungeons drop 171 gear. Realize that the list is complete bunk.
Announce to Guild what they’re after. Get advised to go ahead and just queue for it unless you want to push keys.
Find 4 friends doing the same thing. Realize that you can’t because no one is doing this.
Do covenant campaign, WQ and Torghast until sub runs out.
How did we go from talking about running content with some friends to being a solo player looking for said friends? …and what’s with “forming a guild”? Stop moving the goal post.
Saying someone is casual isn’t saying they have no friends in the game. That’s a hopeless group.
So your a casual but you care about ilvl. You can’t have your cake and eat it to. You can’t play an hour a day an expect big D ilvl. Big D ilvl comes from endgame.
If nobody else is doing this, your in the wrong guild
Sounds like wow or really any MMO isn’t for you. MMOs require a time sink to be competitive or remotely good.
Sure play at your own pace but don’t go complaining you have a causal weak sauce ilvl when your playing beyond casually.
The content for your level is there your just either in the wrong guild or don’t know anyone else playing as super casual as you are and as a result are stuck solo cause your expectations are higher then what’s possible for your level of play.
This game is casual friendly if your expectation is in the right place. Yours clearly isn’t . MMOs arnt made for u and your time schedule
Haven’t moved any goalposts, you’re just missing the point about the social design of the two games being different, which is what I’ve been talking about. The path of least resistance is to not bring your friends.
Maybe now it is, but it wasn’t then. Everyone starts out with no friends in the game.
Of course everyone cares about their ilevel. And there’s a big difference between demanding a Mythic raiding ilevel and wanting a meaningful way to increase your own power level. Casuals just want the casual playstyle to reward something again like levels and an increase in power. I don’t know how you translate that to guaranteed admission to mythic raids and mythic raid gear. Those are just more of the strawman arguments that you’ve been putting up.
You didn’t even look at my armory, did you? When did I say I was casual? I’ve been raiding weekly, and I’ve even run a few keys. I’m not advocating for myself here because my youngest is now 18 and out of the house, so I suddenly have lots of time on my hands again. I just remember how it was a few years ago, and I know that all the reasons that I was unsubbed for several years apply many times over now. I’ve been on both sides of this, so I see how it is.
You referenced running BRD with slime buddies in Vanilla. I said you could do that now with M0 and your answer was…
That’s moving the goal post. Everything you had fun with in Vanilla can be done now with those same friends.
I had a huge friends list in Vanilla and TBC but now most haven’t played in years but I STILL have a huge friends list currently because every x-pac I meet new people who I want to play with. The social structure of the game is in the hands of the player.
No, it’s in the hands of the game designer. WoW was built very deliberately to cultivate a social structure, and a lot of that design has been torn down for QoL. It’s far less natural for the casuals who just wanna goof off with the leveling experience to make friends and maybe eventually get drawn into the more serious parts of the game because they don’t stick around.
They show up at an xpac launch, explore an atrophied leveling experience, don’t really connect with anyone, very quickly run out of fulfilling stuff to do before needing to get into high pressure group content, and then they either choose to stop being casual and stick with the game, or they quit.
WTF are you even talking about? What’s different about getting together with some friends and running some M0 dungeons to running Strat, Scholo, etc in Vanilla? It’s the same. There’s no timers and you can run them however you like.
The player makes their own social experience. I’ve made more than a dozen new friends since the start of BFA. I play very casually and have since the end of Cata but I still get AOTC and Keymaster. That’s playing around 8 hours a week tops. These are personal issues created by players with a victim mentality.
I’m saying my friends and I find Vanilla dungeons simpler, easier, and more enjoyable than the prospect of pushing into mythic dungeon difficulty in retail. This isn’t hard.
No, they’re breakdowns in the social design of the game as the leveling and world have been squished and emptied of fulfilling content to make room for more difficulty settings at endgame.
I’m happy you were able to persevere, but we’re back to papering over the people I’m talking about with low-tier endgame players calling themselves casuals because they don’t invest as much time as the content used to require. You’ve already called them hopeless and implied they don’t belong here, I’ll note.
I’m inclined to agree about them not belonging here, where I take issue is the idea that they never did.
No, what you really mean to say is “if you can only play for 31 hours a month, then you need to understand that it will take you MUCH longer to finish the campaign, get geared up, & be ready for end-game content. Accept that reality, & you will be fine.”
Telling such people that “this game isn’t for you” is simply wrong. I’ve scaled my desires & expectations WAAAAAAY back to much more realistic levels, & other casual players need to do that, too. If they can, then this game can definitely be for them.
People need to stop treating MMOs like they’re some kind of competition. I guess that people who need to think of games as something you “win” will still keep acting like WoW is a competition, but fortunately I don’t have to group with them.
Casuals want an increase in power, and this caps at heroics. Are you even paying attention to what you’re writing? The heroic stuff isn’t even on par with what your covenant gives you for doing your weekly quest. How is that in any way engaging? Spend all those hours working towards something that’s not even as good as what your weekly is going to give you. Really engaging!
The difference is that your weekly quest to rescue souls from the Maw is going to give you better gear than what you can get from M0. Who is going to dedicate the time it takes to get a group together for M0 when it doesn’t even award anything worthwhile?