I am a very casual player (I do LFR, non-rated PVP, and play WoW to relax) looking for a guild that is social and could possibly help mold me into a better player. I am an anomaly in that I pretty much only play Outlaw Rogue, but wouldn’t mind branching into the other specs. I have almost 0 understanding of proper gearing or stats, and my skill bar hasn’t been updated since probably MoP or Legion launch lmao. I somehow have managed to brute force my way through most content but haven’t really touched rated PVP or mythic anything.
I am looking for a guild that is pretty relaxed but also wouldn’t mind teaching me about some of the finer points of the game. Whether it’s rolling an alt to learn how to tank, or becoming a better DPS as Outlaw, or even learning how to be good at PVP as another Rogue spec… I would appreciate any of it. I would love to get into mythic rating and rated PVP so if anyone is recruiting on KJ and doesn’t mind someone who is pretty green, I’m your guy. Thanks in advance!
Edit: the guild I’m in now is just one my friends made but they don’t play anymore.