Hello all,
I am a casual player who has just played on/off for many years, though never really progressing to anything meaningful. Currently I am interested in joining a guild built around being a place to hangout with others while playing and helping each other when possible.
I enjoy participating in dungeons, working on professions and collecting things. This is the first character where I am actually looking to make some progress within my account and would enjoy doing it with people I can talk with through the journey.
Hey, we’re super casual friendly and I’m pretty proud to say our guildies are a good bunch of genuine people. See the copy/paste below, and if you’re interested please contact me 
Forced to Wipe - Tichondrius is recruiting. We’re looking players who want a place to call home. Our goal is to create a community for people who want to experience end game content, in a stress free beginner friendly environment. A zero to hero mentality for players who are looking to improve on their game, and veterans who are interested in helping. Bottom line, we’re looking for players with positive and patient attitudes. Raid times are Sunday and Monday at 6:30 - 9:30 EST. Also looking for M+ players, and casuals who enjoy any aspect of the game.
Discord - Umma5835
Bnet - Gnarley#11316
Hi Tsook,
I run a small casual EST Alliance social guild on Proudmoore and we are a social guild that’s more of a community that we have built over the years and we are both new and returning player friendly. Our main thing is we enjoy doing stuff together as a group to help each other out and have fun more than just doing content for the sake of it. We also enjoy helping each other out whether that’s gearing up, running for transmog, or helping with an alt and as a social group we are also pretty much always on our discord when we are on.
Happy to chat more if your interested my battle net is wyvernflame#1720 and my discord is wyvernflame
Hey there,
I am with the guild < The Dark Swarm > and I think we’d be a perfect fit for you! We are primarily a social guild (with a very, very active Discord) and aren’t end game focused. That’s not to say we don’t have those that do some end game, but we primarily just come on to talk, mount farm, Tmog run, etc.
It’s a no pressure guild that’s more focused on building a strong community. If you’re interested please send in an application and just leave a note that I sent you!
Or, please feel free to reach out to me to discuss any questions you might have!
Discord: Bigdimpin
BN: DeezDimps#1376
Hope to talk soon!
The Corrupted Order. A guild that’s been around awhile took a break and are making a comeback for TWW.
The guild is progressing through heroic currently 7/8 and looking for dps and healers. Our heroic times are 9pm EST on Tuesday’s and Friday’s.
Also have spots in our second raid group for individuals looking to get into raiding and looking for a group to start with. While also being able to progress and reach the point to joining the heroic team. Eventually all teams will be doing heroics. This day is Wednesday 8pm EST until 10:30.
Currently for the heroic team we are asking individuals to hit their 2k io score as a requirement, you do not have to do this alone! Many individuals including myself are looking to assist individual in climbing mythics!
Old Content:
Our current recruiter and GM also have the weekends planned out to do tmog runs or achievement runs for mounts.
Transmog Competition:
Finally t-mog competition the officers have been hosting a t-mog competition on Fridays after raid individuals will be given the theme at the time and giving 5-10 minutes to get ready. The winner will receive 50,000 gold.
The Corrupted Order is home to anyone and everyone looking to have a great time with our members. Please reach out to Rahiko#1225 for any other information
The justice society is recruiting heroes! we are a somewhat new guild trying to gain new members along with making friends along the way. Raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 8 PM EST. Mythic+ runs & Mythic raid! looking for people to fill raid team. Focused on learning, teamwork & growth come join the justice society. We are currently need dps and healers!!you can add me on discord @ axelthorn09