Hello. I took a break from the game a couple months ago due to real life issues and now I am able to start playing again.
I am going to be re-leveling a new class. I will be working on a Ret/Holy Paladin, Ele/Resto Shaman or Holy/Shadow Priest. I mainly play DPS specs but now I want to learn how to heal and these are the 3 classes I am between because I also like the DPS specs of them, expect for Priest, I have never played a Priest before. I will pick which ever one the guild I click with needs or prefers. I will also be working on Enchanting, Tailoring and Cooking for my Professions, or a different one that the guild prefers.
I do not have much raiding experience, I only got to 5/10 Normal CN on my Hunter before I had to stop playing. I would like to complete Normal and attempt Heroic. I have also never done a Mythic dungeon before. I only started doing Heroic dungeons on my Hunter when I started raiding.
Im a casual player. I get side tracked a lot on side quests, farming mounts and transmog. I am looking to find a guild that will help teach how to raid and help me learn how to heal in a welcoming environment. I dont like drama or elitist jerks. I want to be able to log on and feel like I am part of a community or a family.
I am willing to go Horde or Alliance. Any server is fine because I am restarting. I am available 5pm-11pm Pacific Monday-Friday.
Hey Jarza,
Dedicated and Medicated is an alliance guild on Stormrage. Our main raid plays on the weekends, which I see is not when you are available. However, we do a lot of M+ and some raiding on weekdays. Since it seems you are starting up, we’d be happy to have you around on the weekdays to come and play with us. We have an active discord that enjoys chatting and joking around with each other. If you are interested in learning more, just let us know and we have many people who like to help people learn and progress.
If you want to test out our atmosphere and are on alliance, feel free to consider joining our community instead while you check us out.
If we sound like a good fit, please consider reaching out:
Meega #11302
Gates of Dawn is a casual Saturday morning raiding guild looking to fill out our roster for normal/heroic progression. We raid 8am-11am EST and do M+ through the week. Currently we are looking for Healers and DPS.
Heals: Druid, Pally
DPS: Monk, S Priest, Hunter
This is a casual group and while we would like to get AoTC, we know that with our once a week raid schedule it might not happen.
Hit me up and let’s chat
Btag: Ruqua#1111
Discord: Ruqua#9062
Hey there!
Disorientated is an alliance AOTC raiding guild on Stormrage. We’re 10/10N and 3/10H in SoD so far and achieved AOTC in CN last tier. We raid Tues/Fri 8-11PM EST (5-8pm PST) and will run m+ almost every night throughout the week. We don’t mind teaching people the ropes whether it’s raiding, mythic dungeons, or how to heal, everyone has to start somewhere as long as you have the right attitude we’ll help make it work! We are a fairly close guild and spend a lot of time in game/raid chatting and goofing around, and our discord is pretty active most hours of the day.
Check out the linked post and/or add me on bnet (Toasted21#1832)
I want to be able to log on and feel like I am part of a community or a family.
We’re pretty small on the grouping front but are looking for a few more core people to keep it warm and cozy
Slow and low is the tempo for how we grow. that… ever constant… burn…
I kinda what the place to be a small cubby in the wall like “Cheers”- where everyone knows your name. Maybe that will be my next rewrite! Anyways- good luck with your search. It’s your game time, you gotta get what you want!.
I’ve included our latest recruitment post link for your consideration. There’s a few scattered around. Being casual doesn’t lend to the traditional : Doing this, need that, 50dkp T/TH… etc…
Check out the guild Fallout on Turalyon. We are in desperate need of a healer and love teaching people the raid. Message Sieg#1546 if ya wanna come to even just hang around in discord and get to know a few of us. We only do up to aotc achievement so parse mongers don’t stay. Everyone is friendly and discord is quite active evenings. : )
Hey there friend!
My name is Jeff, and I represent a small Horde guild on Icecrown. What you are describing that you are looking for suits us very well. We are a very tight knit family of gamers who are always looking for a few more good friends to come along on our adventures.
I think that we would really suit your style, and what you are looking for. We have a lot of newer players, and have been getting them all ready to take on the end game content. We would be a great place for you to not only learn to raid, but learn to heal as well. I have a need for a few people who would love to heal full time, and would love to give you that opportunity.
HERE is my recruiting thread post. Please give it a read, and if it seems like a good fit for you, I would love nothing more than to have a conversation with you about it! My Discord info in there, and I would be glad to carve out some time to chat!
I really hope to hear from you!
We are definitely looking for new players to join our ranks and be part of our community!
New players and re-rolls are all welcome.
Our ad below:
ot sure if you are open to a faction/server change but we are certainly looking for more raiders who are will to learn (we do not mind teaching a gearing) and more friends for our community. Our forum post is below:
Enshadowed - 10/10N 3/10H is recruiting for SoD
Currently trying to refill the roster due to everything going on with blizzard, the lawsuit and people sudden (and streamer minded) love for FFXIV. The Attendance Boss is nasty. We are currently looking for anyone that wants to raid (we are willing) to start over with normal and working back towards aotc. New players, people coming back to the game and re-rolls who want to be part of a raid team that likes to have fun and kill bosses more than welcome to reach out. We are a chill group and have no issues helping people gear as long as they want to be part of the guild and part of a team for the long haul.
We are focused on AOTC each tier and then hoping to push Mythic if attendance and time allow us. Raids are Tues/Thurs 9-11:30p Eastern.
1 heals
DPS - Would love to see Death Knight, WW Monk, Shadow Priest, Demon Hunter, Balance Druid and mage but all DPS are welcome
Again, Raid times are: Tuesday and Thursday: 9pm to 11:30pm Server (EST is server time)
We are currently looking for players who can spec as a tank, heals for mythic plus as we all push toward the goal of KSM and are tired of the pug life and have the goal like we do of having multiple mythic plus teams within the guild.
Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community.
Want to know more? Whisper: BATTLENET Id: Ree#1799 or DISCORD: Kayliee#7155 for more details.