Casual M+ guild looking for members! Cross realm/faction <Mythic Miscreants>

Hey everybody we at mythic miscreants have a goal to create a large enough M+ group that if you want to push keys, people will be on and available. When we gain enough members we are hoping to do guild events and to build ourselves a casual community. we also have a discord so let me know if you would like to join!
US Zangermarsh

there are two of us looking for a guild looking for a casual M+ guild hes fairly new im a returning player both mil vets ive pushed keys before i main a disc priest ummmm thats about it Burnzwhenip and Ragingbanana

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Hell yeah. I will need your realms as well. Gotta put it after the name to get you in

burnzwhenip is stormrage

ragingbanana is gurubashi