Casual Guild <Veterans of Gallifrey> [A]

Greetings friends,

I am searching for people 18+ looking to be part of a relaxed guild on Icecrown/Malygos (Alliance). We have dozens of active players with a wide range of experience, play styles and backgrounds.

Founded by military, we encourage veterans of all branches to join us. I am confident that you will fit right in immediately!

Many players have transferred to Icecrown/Malygos and are very happy with us. If you want to try us out first, we also accept low-level characters so that’s not a problem. If you are looking for a social guild, we can scratch that itch as well with transmog runs, old raids, time-walking dungeons and the like.

We run Mythic + dungeons often and have two raid nights each week. Wednesday 8pm CST is our progression run (6/9 N) and a more all-inclusive chill run for alts or people just looking to relax on Saturday @ 8pm CST (which has fewer requirements where ilvl etc is concerned). Discord is our primary means of communication/voice and it is active daily. If you are looking for an easy way into LFR each week, we do it as a guild Tuesday evening.

If you are interested in more information, comment below or message me in-game.

Thanks for reading,

Co-Guild Leader
Battletag: Critneyfears#11492