Casual, Fun, Non Raging Guild <H>

Fri/Sat 7:00 to 10:00pm PCT
Lead: Carban
Officer: Lego, Taiva, PunchJedi

We are as the title says; a laid back group of good raiders. We haven’t forgotten that the game is just that, a game ! We are looking for those interested in raiding with a casual environment that wont rage kick you and start screaming at each other when things start to get a little tough. We do not care what you parse as long as you are playing your class well and following the fight mechanics, the boss will die ! We offer guild repairs to all and are working on providing flasks for our core raiders. We formed the guild at the end of legion so have 15-20 dedicated raiders with plenty of spots to fill. We are organizing a night to do carry runs for your alts, as well as Mythic + during the week.

Currently at 5/8 Heroic until we get more dedicated DPS !
We are currently in need of some more DPS/HEALS
We would like to recruit some shammys, druids, rogues, dk’s, pallys and monks.

I can be directly contacted via at Danglez#1357

Looking forward to hearing from you and progressing through 8.1