<Casual Friday> Mythic+ community dedicated to providing a friendly atmosphere

Priests actually feel like a commodity in our community. I can name like 2 off the top of my head. Would be happy to have you in the Discord!

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We don’t have enough shadow priests this season. Should come by madness tonight, it’s always a good time!

Shadow got nuked sadly. I miss mine

I haven’t played my priest this season. I was excited about the discipline changes, but just haven’t had the time to get that deep into all my alts yet.

The changes this week look like they helped shadow a bit. I might spin mine back up and give it a go.

Casual Friday is the bomb diggity! Best decision I made was joining this community in S1 of Dragonflight! Especially since I was on the verge of leaving the game altogether since basically all my friends quit playing in Shadowlands.

Casual Friday go me excited to do keys and to raid again. They’ve helped push me further than I would have usually gone (not a huge fan of PuGs), because even if I wind up in a group of folks from CF that I’ve never played with, it doesn’t feel like I am in a PUG.

If you have a passion for the game and are looking for like minded folks to enjoy playing with, CF is an excellent place to find that! Every day I am in CF it migrates from being just a gaming community to a gaming family!