Casual AOTC Guild Recruiting a Tank

Sever is looking to recruit a new tank! Raid schedule is Tuesday and Thursday 8pm-10pm EST.

Things of note from us:

  • Attendance. While we do consider ourselves casual, we do have a shorter raid schedule than most guilds; We need people who are going to show up, not just login twice a month and expect to be handed loot.
  • Willingness to learn and accept criticism.
  • Be a decent person and have a sense of humor. We are all adults that just want to slay bosses. The guilds sense of humor can be rather “mature” but we strive to not offend.

Our guild is truly a tight-knit group of friends. We laugh and have a blast all night long in raid (And a lively and great Discord throughout the day when we can’t be on). We hope to speak to you soon about joining us!

Recruiting Contacts:

Wargames (I’ve recently moved and have not been online as much as I’d like, it will be easier to add me on Discord right now)

  • BNET: Wargames#1502

  • Discord: Wargames24


  • BNET: Bawb#11401

  • Discord: Bawbers


  • BNET: SKSPlays#1849

  • Discord: StevenThomas

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