Casual AOTC <Dumpster Fire>

Hey everyone! We are Dumpster Fire and we are a new AOTC focused guild. We have currently achieved our goal and are still looking to grow our team!

We are a small, relaxed group of people who enjoy playing together and like to create an atmosphere of being chill when we can be, but also taking raid a little more seriously. Because, ya know, we all want to progress, right? That’s why we like AOTC guilds!

We currently raid Tuesdays/Fridays at 8pm to 10:30pm CST. Everyone has life outside of the game, so we like to get in and get out at a decent time while doing meaningful progress with a group we actually enjoy playing with.

We are currently looking for a consistent Mage, Shadow Priest, and Warlock to join our group, but anyone interested is welcome to join as well! We also do keys and transmog/mount farming nights.

If you’re interested, please comment down below or reach out to me (Auxen#1977 on BNet or Auxen on Discord) and I would be happy to just chat with ya and see if we may be a good fit together!