Castle Nathria transmogs are too difficult to get

With the current loot drop chance, you’d have to be super lucky to actually put a set together. The time commitment needed is just way too high considering there are 4 difficulties and there is no reward other than the mog once you’ve passed that difficulty.

Blizzard should either unlock the mogs like pvp, where a few pieces unlock after killing X bosses on each difficulty, or make them available via currency. I’m reluctant to say anima 'cause that’s already stretched pretty thing, but it would make the most sense as long as they buff our ability to earn it.

Having raided every week since launch, I’ve only managed to gather a couple of mogs from each difficulty. Compared to pvp where you can buy the ones you need with conquests or unlock via rating, it really sucks.


You have two years to get this transmog.

You’ll be fine


Nice try, but not every players aims to waste their time.
If you’ve moved past a raid difficulty, you shouldn’t need to farm it for 2 years to complete the set.


Isn’t that basically what mog farmers do with legacy content?


Completely agree. Blizzard thought zero percent about the mog implications when making the loot nerfs, that much is very clear.


You can blast through legacy content with just a few people.
Legacy loot mode also gives you a lot of loot.
In the past if you actively raided a tier, you most likely had all the mogs by this time.


I mean it’s fine with me considering they’re all ugly. Minus the cool cloth mask

So you are saying that getting vampire transmogs suck? I’d reflect on this but it’s a vampire transmog.



Really that’s all that needs to be said


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Their solution is going to be appearance only items, like that mace off Taloc in Uldir. But then raiders will complain when they get the appearance version and not the real version of the item. So careful what you ask for, Blizzard seldom pleases players with their moves.

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The key there is most likely. I almost never had a full mog from content until way later. Just as an example. I ran heroic Uldir every week on my warlock. I still don’t have the cloth set from there.


And that was with BfA loot chances, yet another reason for them to improve things for SL where the drop rate is severely reduced.

Again, this is not an issue in pvp with the much improved loot system. They even have a much better method of farming old sets via marks of honor. PvE should get the same treatment.

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I agree with you. I made a thread earlier this week suggesting that cosmetic versions of gear drop from bosses in addition to stat-based pieces, but your idea of unlocking appearances after killing bosses a certain number of times is good.


These drop off the World Bosses as well. I have 3 pieces right now and haven’t touched a Raid.

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Here’s a tip, get 5 alts, do LFR, get mogs from vault.

As for other diffulties… kekw

World bosses give loot? This is news to my characters :stuck_out_tongue:

More LFR sounds like a horrible solution IMO.


Mog farmers are farming content they can’t do in the present because they’re not good enough to do that content or have no interest in doing anything that requires skill. Or they didn’t play the game during that particular time period. Or they’re just people who prefer to play solo.

What’s your Invincible counter on?

Well since apparently the currently scaling is working as intended Shadowlands is on the schedule for 12.0 (instead of 11.0) :slight_smile: So I’ll see you in exactly SIX YEARS when we can solo SL and get 5 random drops :+1:

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just solo’d a bit of heroic castle nathria. its rly weird that only some bosses drop a piece of loot here and there. wish they would unlock the weird drop thing they did in SL

edit: get necro’d :smiling_imp: