Casters are not harder lol

Your caster is not harder to play. Most of us have every class leveled at this point. Every prepatch you can level at ridiculous pace, and we get a boost with every expac. Most of us play multiple classes. You can’t keep lying about casters being more difficult lol
There are a few specs that have slightly more buttons but for the most part they are very similar. The kits are even similar when broken up into categories such as damage, cc, utility across all characters.
The kits feel stunningly similar with different names and visuals after 20 years. With a couple exceptions.

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Was this meant to be in response to someone because this post makes no sense as a stand alone lol


Forum response in general. Almost all melee specs get targeted at some point. It’s nonsense though I’ve played all the classes and there really isn’t a massive gap in skill. There are a couple specs that do have a unique playstyle but after playing them for a period it’s not more difficult, just a different way of approaching fights.

Your melee is not harder to play. Most of us have every class leveled at this point. Every prepatch you can level at ridiculous pace, and we get a boost with every expac. Most of us play multiple classes. You can’t keep lying about melee being more difficult lol
There are a few specs that have slightly more buttons but for the most part they are very similar. The kits are even similar when broken up into categories such as damage, cc, utility across all characters.
The kits feel stunningly similar with different names and visuals after 20 years. With a couple exceptions.


Melee are easier to play than casters at a higher level


Almost all caster specs get targeted at some point. It’s nonsense though I’ve played all the classes and there really isn’t a massive gap in skill. There are a couple specs that do have a unique playstyle but after playing them for a period it’s not more difficult, just a different way of approaching fights.


I played ranged characters. Warlock, Hunter, Mage. They aren’t more difficult.

You dont play at a high level lol

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You are asserting something you could not possibly know.

I know for sure


I played melee characters. Warrior, Ret, Rogue. They aren’t more difficult.

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Thanks for boosting my post. :slight_smile:

Thanks for holding down the 1300 bracket for us


Isn’t it factual that melee do better at lower ratings and casters do better at higher ratings? Kind of goes against your take

That could be an explanation but that could also be a kit/balancing issue considering you are talking about arenas. This is the BG forum and my argument is applying to wow broadly.
Also I was commenting from a personal experience perspective, and I simply don’t find casters more difficult to play. Playstyle is different but once you get experience it is just very similar imo.

As someone who mostly played as melee with ranged on the side these last 20 years, I do find most casters harder to play than most melee classes. This really only changes for me in group settings where I have more options, help, and can freecast at times.

It’s probably just me but I find casters more awkward to play in PvP with WoW, AT LEAST IN A 1v1. To be fair I never had a chance to play with a geared caster, with decent haste outside of my Evoker.

Dev Evoker is the only caster that really clicks with me well. I’m still out of practice after playing in DF but I just vibe with the class and spells like Hover more than say blink on a mage.

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Hey Zoc, You should check out

Yeah and? Your highest rating is one bracket (rival vs rival 2 as mine)

Neither is high level play.

this is basically just another delete heals thread only ur not on your lvl 12 this time .