Caster twin emp meleeing

You sound triggered.


lol - it’s almost as if we were adjusting to issues we saw in previous attempts and slowed dps because the fight isn’t a race. it was real fun when our feral tank DCed at the 6min mark.

please bigbrain, explain to me how people are out of LOS even when we tried with everybody on the floor and nobody around the corner of the step.

Then again, why am I even replying to somebody who is apparently so proud of their accomplishments they post under their lvl 40 alt …

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Imagine gatekeeping rereleased content by calling a guild on Emps in week 1 “god awful” :rofl:

You can get some answers here :

Look like they have the same behavior than during Vanilla. Nothing to “fix” here.

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Alright 17% on Nef whatever you say.

Dude is right though, there is nothing wrong with Emperors. Your player roster does not understand the LoS limitations of the fight along with several other factors namely your warlocks.

In fact during our attempt we saw quite clearly what the LoS limitations where and most involve the stair cases. The warlock can not leave the side areas between the two stairs cases after the first teleport not once, otherwise he will move.

Like said above your tank must always be the closest player to the caster emperor during the teleport otherwise he will run. We had them heal to full twice and still had a 6-7min kill after determining these limitations during the pull.

So yes, it truly is a mechanic play issue like they mentioned.

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Yup. this is happening to me as well. Get randomly charged by Vek’lor.

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classic.warcraftlogs. com/reports/v82xYKact1WgbjqZ#fight=54&view=replay

timecode 2:23, emps have just swapped and warlock is in our standard position, has cast a couple searing pains and things look fine. 2:27 he charges the warlock.

what advice can you offer on this? this same emp/tank/lock positioning did not trigger a charge last week.

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This isnt a “during teleport” issue. That is completely handled, it is 15 seconds in, the caster boss will charge the warlock for no reason what so ever. We tried avoiding stairs, we tried using stairs. we tried no ranged dps, we tried no pets, we tried having the tank close to the boss, right in front of the warlock, right behind the warlock, and so on. Last week we did not encounter a single thing that we saw last night. Veklor acted 100% differently than our kill last week.

It wasn’t an LOS issue it was the boss just forgetting it can cast shadowbolt and charging 30+ yards for no reason.

While we were encountering this for the first time, we spent the time googling all the common “fixes” and none of them solved it. As some people get twin emps to spawn without one of the emps, some people are getting a veklor that prefers melee over casting it seems.

Are you having anyone on the stairs, pets, totems?

Anything that would make him have to move to cast blizzard?

We moved everyone off the stairs, then it still charged 30+ yards for no reason.

I guarantee you someone was on the stairs

Not trolling

We had both our raids clear emps without worrying about the stairs last week, then this week our first raid suddenly gets veklor meleeing the warlock from 30+ yards away. The stairs arent the issue, its likely the boss spawning with funky AI similar to how some people are getting a twin emps with only one emp.

We did 2 or 3 attempts where we had zero people on the stairs and it still charged.

We read every suggestion people are posting around the forums to try to “fix” the issue, and its looking very likely to be an AI issue since others are facing the same thing out of nowhere, and a soft reset fixes it for a lot.

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As someone who cleared this in vanilla, this is not the correct behavior for these bosses. At no time in vanilla did Vek’lor ever stop casting to run and melee the warlock tank down. The only way you could get Vek’lor to melee in vanilla was being up against a wall or being in melee range.

We have a large chunk of our guild that cleared this together in vanilla as well, including one of the warlock tanks. It’s not a L2P situation and at no time in any of the Vanilla videos do I see Vek’lor exhibiting the behavior being complained about. We had two full raids clear this last week without this behavior.


Here’s one of our attempts where everybody was off the steps. timecode 6:37, south side - charges our warlock at roughly 6:52

classic.warcraftlogs .com/reports/v82xYKact1WgbjqZ#fight=69&view=replay

We ran into this issue this week, we did the stairs thing and killed it no issue.

Sad to hear that that wasn’t the fix.

Would of been a sub 1hr clear if we didn’t run into the issue

Stairs thing as in having the locks on the bottom steps? We’re looking at any/all ideas to see if it can fix the problem, so if you have a replay we can watch or a screenshot of positioning it’d be very appreciated :smiley:

There is a reason and its quite clearly shown on the replay. First off your lock Solicer literally is running around for no reason half the time. He needs to be max range because if the caster emperor is within a specific range the emperor will attempt to roll a melee attack over a shadow bolt.

Solicer had him moved because he was to close to the stairs twice, the time he was punted he inched forward until the emperor was able to toggle between attacks.

We tested this last night during our pull as well. If you are max range of the teleport and in clear LoS he will not move a single inch.

Also Solicer needs to straight up just stay in one spot there is zero reason for him to move. You have more then two locks he literally just needs to stay put.

This is all clearly seen in your attempt, at 4:16 Solicer is both in clear LoS and max range and the emp makes no attempt to move. Both times when Solicer is within 30yds of the emp or by the stair case or line in the floor he moves forward or charges him.

Watch our replay. Do you see how we pull them? There is no reason for the warlock to move of the stairs since the teleport is to soon. After they switch our tank drags the melee emp to the spot we want to tank him at to start the positioning. The teleport at 1:05 we test the theory about the stairs and it works instantly causing him to charge me and punt me across the room.

At 1:35 we test the top of the stairs with him at the bottom the replay does not show it, however he does attempt to walk forward but the teleport happened a split second after. After that teleport you see me position in the area by the side wall and stay put. From this position of max range and in clear LoS we experienced no issues.

Our other warlocks were messing around with the fight before the reset so they gave us a bunch of data for it. I am not sure if they logged it though, we watched a vod. The second warlock Yakk is solely starting by me to place CoE on the emperor since I was using Doom.

This is just everything complied into what we have recorded, tested, and done in raid.

The 30yd thing about him switching types of attack to a melee was from a video on warcraftmovies. It was super old but the tip helped.

Hope this helps.

I will get the locks to try this in the our fun raid this weekend and see if it holds up, we only have one data set thats recorded but this is just the best hypothesis.

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Bynx - I’m with you that Solicer eating charges later on in that attempt (Wipe 1) could be due to proximity. At 3:17 he is 26.8 yards away, so there is still a few yards further back he could be while staying in range.

The weird thing is at 2:25 when Gath is charged - by my math he’s at 29.2 yards away.

Last week we had moments where he was as close as 21.87 yards of our warlock and we did not observe this behavior. We had a few arcane bursts over the course of the fight, but they were very understandable given the positioning of the person with threat.

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All this said - thanks for sharing your logs too. It looks like your position was 31.45 away, so that’s fuel for the 30yd theory. It’s weird though - Yakk looks to be within 15 yards a number of times, for example the transition at 5:23

Soft reset and the boss acted as it should have with zero movement. There is an objective bug that is happening with it.