I read a lot of these “caster” paladin comments in the forum but cant seem to Google anything about it. Does anyone have a guide?
Literally no, stop, its not a thing. Go play a holy priest.
Honestly though, a caster paladin playstyle is severely handicapping yourself. Paladins are coded as melee so you incur melee mechanics. Standing at range means you can’t generate holy power with crusader strike. You can’t use blinding light, you maybe be to far for hammer (the stun) you won’t be able to silence mobs, your HPS will be insanely bad, you’ll run outta mana faster.
Both herald and lightsmith hero talent trees pick the talents that help with holy light and flash, but the important part is, there aren’t better alternative talents most of the time AND those are filler spells for both hero talents so, for both those reasons is makes sense to take those more caster centric talents.
The current design of the class promotions melee combat. If you play lightsmith with avenging crusader, you lose 90% of your HPS standing far away from mobs, with avenging wrath and herald, you’ll lose maybe 30% of your HPS (I’m just making up numbers based on my experience weaving in and out of melee, as well as way too much with the experience and knowing the impact on the rotation when not in melee)
Caster paladin is not a thing.
Current Hpal is not tuned nor designed to be a ranged healer at the current moment. It can be played like that, but you will be losing A LOT. Enough to be unviable.
You can cast heals, but they serve niche purposes in your rotation like reducing LS armaments CDR by consuming infusions of light, of just to heal someone when you are out of positiong.
Other than that, no. Hpal is not supposed to be a ranged healer and has not been for a long time. The only 2 melee healers current are paladin and MW. If you want to play a ranged healer I’ll suggest you look into one of the other 5.