Caster nerfs when?

For a second I thought the 4 posts were talking to themself because you both have the almost same portrait.

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We are very handsome. Sometimes I wear the argent dawn tabard and things get even more confusing.

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^^^ dis rh

I was talking to a another mage in my guild about ice versus arcane and i basically said the same thing. Ice can do just as much damage buy far easier.

What i like about arcane though is the mana regen becauae it lets me perma spam spell steal which really messes with healers.

Bear form again does almost nothing as a defensive outside of the hp increase, prevents you from using 99% of your abilities, and you have to stay as a bear to use frenzy. It’s already got more tradeoffs than most classes.

Not even remotely comparable outside of the fact that you cant really take actions.
I think you really really overstate bear form’s effectiveness.

Armor does almost nothing atm, dude. Basically every class has damage that goes through armor with the exception of ww monks (and they have a talent for that) and hunters, and even then they really dont care. Also moonkin form is just mail equivalent.

Because based off of your comments you lack experience and understanding of the game and that’s okay; everyone is new at some point.

This is a strawman argument.
You dont need to balance around the literal 100% best players, but you CAN’T balance around the “average” player when so many players are doing things wrong at that level.

This is because you can always improve on the things you don’t understand.

Let’s look at shadowpriest and warlock, for example; the two strongest casters atm.
In the past weak there have been people saying that spriest needs a major mobility button, half the cd on disperse, and more instant casts and burst damage. There are people who claimed that warlock DP needs to be stronger and ua dispell should be twice as punishing. There are people who claim that rogue backstab needs a 200% damage buff and blind change should be reverted.

There was also a moonkin player who thought precog should be buffed because it “wasnt enough” against melee players and that moonkin should get a dark pact type ability ad well.

All of these players are wrong. Theyre making fundamental gameplay mistakes impeding their success.

They dont know what buttons to press when in different situations and where to even stand in the arena and that is making so many classes appear stronger than they actually are.

This is why blizzard doesn’t recognize the forums as a place for balance discussions regarding pvp.

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warriors have 100% uptime on casters and counter rogues very easily, plus if you are ever in trouble you can leap out of combat for the 4 seconds it takes to top you off and leap right back from pillar to pillar

I only heal bgs and epics because the burst is insane. I dont have time to getgud in this bursty esport meta.

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