Caster Mistweaver So Relaxing

Coming back from alt Holy Paladin’s builder/spender playstyle, Mistweaver feels incredibly relaxing. Before my break to play the alt, I started using more DPS skills—hitting around 350K.

I just two-chested a +11 and didn’t do much when there’s no healing needed—just shot crack lightning, kicked the wind, and fired Kamehamehas—still out damaged my Holy Paladin. A lot of times I’m just standing there shooting a Soothing Mist, it reminded me why I don’t Fistweave.

It’s super awesome we get different playstyles as Mistweaver.


Man I love mistweaver.

It just makes sense to me.

I tried holy Paladin and I got laughed at i sucked so bad. I don’t understand how to achieve any heal above a tickle.

I have no idea how you do guys do it :joy:

Nice thing about MW now is that you can still actually do some damage with the new CJL talent every time you get a mana tea up.

If you don’t want to be in melee that is … I like to be in melee though so :upside_down_face:

I like that MW healing is not tied to a builder resource like hpal. It’s so stressful as hpal when your casted heals suck so badly lol.


Watch out, it’ll get labeled a gimmick. But yes, it is awesome to get different playstyles as MW.

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