Cast @cursor macro not working

Hello all,

I’m looking for a macro that will automatically cast Sigil of Flame at my cursor location rather than making me place the green reticle. It’s my understanding that the following macro should work, but it’s not working. It just keeps casting Sigil of Flame directly on top of my character:

#showtooltip Sigil of Flame
/cast [@cursor] Sigil of Flame

Any ideas?

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Change your Self Cast Key to None. It’s part of a bug Blizz introduced in 9.2.5

Also, you don’t need to hard-code the tooltip, it’ll pull from the cast

/cast [@cursor] Sigil of Flame

If you’d prefer a slightly more advanced version:

In your case, since I suspect it’s on an alt-keybind already, I’d remove [mod:alt,@player] or change it to a different modifier.


I appreciate your help. I guess this must be a bug, because it doesn’t work. Even if I just pull Sigil of Flame directly out of my spellbook and place it on my hotbar, it casts directly on top of my character with no reticle displayed.

Feels good to pay $15 a month to play this beta.

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Be sure you aren’t confusing the “Auto Self Cast” checkbox with the “Self Cast Key” right below it. I’ve been having a similar issue with Freezing Trap, but setting “Self Cast Key” to None immediately cleared it up.


Are you sure you don’t just have the Concentrated sigils talent from the DH class tree? it auto places all sigils on yourself