Case in point: Some people are absolutely stupid

I’ve digested worst diseases than Covid-19. Unless you’re a chain smoker or 91 I wouldn’t worry.

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Your contention was that the US government doesn’t have the authority to do so. They absolutely do.

You either choose Security or Freedom. Rarely, if ever, do they come together.

Then who would enforce it?

The selfishness, ironically enough, is found in the hearts of those that would lose massive profits due to the measures required to effectively reduce carbon emissions. In that, we are all complicit, because of how much we would have to give up to reduce our collective footprint. But hey…why feel guilty about something we won’t likely live long enough to endure, right?

I would agree that there is a formal procedure for suspending the Constitution. But that hasn’t happened yet.

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He’s the commander in chief. He can absolutely take command of any state’s national guard and send them out into the streets. The powers are purposely insanely vague for just this reason.

You sound pathetic trying to equate a lock down order with the collapse of democracy.

Burning some coal does far less damage than enviro-freaks demolishing and destroying acres of land for their vegan food and ‘specialty’ products.

I won’t lie and deny that greedy people are destroying the world. But you’re being foolish if you don’t think your own side is doing the same.

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Didnt some moron drink bleach because his supreme leader told them so?

I mean these people will always cause problems to everyone else by voting wrong

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What National Guard? There’s not enough of them to do that, half of them aren’t going to bother, and it’s the national guard. I’m more scared of inner-city cops than the ROTC seniors club.

People obeyed at first because no one wants to get sick. But the longer it goes on, the more rebellion will take place. Democracy means people agree to be goverened. The buy in factor is slipping daily.


I love it when people pretend that selfishness is the exception rather than the rule in biological organisms when, in fact, altruism is the exception and only humans and reportedly dolphins have ever shown it while both organisms also show cases of cruelty.

People are incredibly unsympathetic, and even I can be guilty of this.

And no this is not countering myself

Just because it can be done, does not mean it is legal.

I’ll stick to listening to experts, thanks. Not going to risk getting a deadly virus just because it’s “not usually bad” for young people.

You can be both. Which is the case with most things wether unintentional or intentional.

By not usually bad you mean “Statisically insignificant to an insane degree”.

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Almost as foolish as assuming I’m “defending a side” in this debate. You did note that I said we are all complicit.


To clarify do you mean both altruistic and selfish or altruistic and unsympathetic?