Cartel Master's Gearglider Bug

The horror.

Details are apparent. Happens with allied races, it seems. At least Velf and LF.

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it seems to happen when you use your drakes and then use the gearglider. it was working fine on some of my toons til i got on drake then got on gearglider. and thats what happens everytime after getting off drake and getting on gearglider. only way to fix it is by logging out and back in but once you use drake again it does it again.

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Ty for that update. I’ll check it out and adjust my report asap.

(Edit, oh this is my report. Oops.)

just bumping. the mount is fine if i log in and just get on it but if i use any other mount and then get on it basically get stuck sitting on it instead of standing as intended.