Carries and unholy DKs breaking the game

abomb limb is a 2 min cd, most defensive cds are 1 min. dk is fine


Abomb needs huge nerfs.

What a fried take. Sepsis is only a 1:30 cd so itā€™s fine too right?

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you cant even compare sepsis to abomb limb lol its not even close however yeah abomb limb could use a nerf and then buff actual dk abilities but its not gonna happen so

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You can. Both are overtuned cds that do far too much damage and enable toxic gameplay.

It needs a nerf but dk abilities donā€™t need a buff. Your class is fine outside of how insane abom is and doesnā€™t really need much else damage wise.

sepsis literally 1 shots, at least abomb limb you can react to it.

abom literally makes dk do dmg do you know how abomb limb works?

UHDK is fine without abomb being so broken. Quit trying to justify it. Itā€™s busted, admit it and move on.

Thereā€™s always the conduit that buffs itā€™s damage by a large amount (60%+) then Necrolord unity that causes Limb to further amplify all damage by 20% for tuning knobs.

Unsure as to whether or not itā€™s warranted in the current climate, though, but if they were to adjust Unholy output itā€™d probably be a PvP modifier on one or both.

tell me you dont play dk without telling me you dont play dk


I have a dk but nice try. again, quit justifying it. its busted

not justifying anything if you played dk you would know dk has a hard time into anything physical even with abomb limb being as broken as it is there are far worst things in the game than abomb limb lol


Yeah I sure do love being able to react and still have me and my teammates take insane damage and have to overtrade to 1 cd. Sure feels great.

Yes. It buffs your damage and also does way more damage than it should. You could take an abom nerf and be fine.

Being weak into physical classes is your trade off for your insane advantage into magic damage and also has nothing to do with how overtuned abom damage is.

Not many, anything thatā€™s doing that much damage with 1 button press is bad.

Every time somebody makes one of these threads, thereā€™s always some monkey playing the class in question who thinks ā€œdurr but X ability is worseā€ is a logical defense.

As if multiple things canā€™t be OP at once :upside_down_face:

You do fine into everything but outlaw and fury. With the craven nerf you can actually go hunter now.

I have a DK and have played at similar rating to you this season. But I also have other things.

Abom limb is overtuned. A 2m cooldown and itā€™s likely to be your top damage most games, or second to pet cleave because it also modifier stacks with everything else you have.

Stop pretending UHDK isnā€™t overtuned.

so if you take away abomb dmg then weā€™re just back to unholy dk from last season lol

still far worst things than abomb

Tell me you donā€™t know how to play DK without telling me you donā€™t know how to play dk

isnt it crazy how almost every game is outlaw or fury paired with a holy priest?

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Not in your bracket. I play in that terrible bracket and havent run into an outlaw in over a week. Ran into more arms than fury also.

just about any bracket is outlaw or fury with a holy priest


Like i said, been playing in same bracket as you with a few alts and still not many outlaw/fury in past week or 2.
More demos/arms/sub/dh/dk